Okay, this fucking game crashed my 3DS homebrew software twice while playing it. This shit is fucking cursed and I'm pretty sure if I complete it some wonder-of-U tier bullshit will just fucking kill me. Anyway I got to the final map and this it's not even that good. Map design sucks, dungeons are a stupid concept especially in the endgame when they get massive, and I REALLY began missing the outlandish concept of 'hit the thing 80% of the time when it FUCKING SAYS IT WILL HIT 80% OF THE TIME'
Anyway this shit some ass, nice job showing off your heroes money, intelligent system.

-Great maps
-FE goodness even if the story isn't the best
-Hector's existence undoes all flaws of this game

More like Mario Tennis open this game and then close it like 10 minutes later because there's like no content

It's like the only Paper Mario I've played and it's pretty mid. Using your attack stickers actively deters you from fighting, which is pretty bad in an RPG. Story is also bland, just being another 'save the princess from Bowser' story. Overall, not good

If you liked Persona 5 you'll probably like this. It's a second outing with the Phantom Thieves on a road trip across Japan, and all of them are their usual charming selves. Even Morgana went from my most hated fictional character to barely tolerable. The plot also has a strong start, with each starting villain being a dark reflection on one of the thieves, only for this to be somewhat abandoned in the second half in favour of a standard JRPG kill God plot and focusing on the two new Phantom Thieves, who are also good characters. Gameplay is a great mix of Musou and Persona gameplay, with every character feeling distinct and fun to play. The bosses are fun to fight and the worlds are fun to explore. If you liked Persona 5, give it a shot

While the game launched in an abysmal state, returning to it for a few rounds with my brother was actually a great time! The roster is probably my favourite of any Mario Spin-off title, with the one upside to the bullshit 'release unfinished game and add characters later' schtick is that the added characters have to be interesting and not just shitty recolours of characters (DID YOU HEAR THAT MARIO KART?)
And in terms of the characters, they all animate greatly, with the super moves being lovely clips of every character.
While the gameplay isn't as good as games such as Power Tennis, the peak of Mario Sports games, it's still quite fun. Breaking your opponents tennis rackets and charging up shots is satisfying and feels great.
The true sin of this game however, is not having anything other than the main tennis mode. No fun minigames like previous entries and a boring story mode.
That being said, while I enjoyed my time with the game, your money is better spent elsewhere. Maybe if it goes on sale or you find a cheap used copy

Although I won't be there for it, I look forward to the era where humanity reaches the beyond, to other worlds. Gaining new knowledge and experiences. And then we can use those to find a single redeeming quality for this piece of shit

A good JRPG. Amazing pixel art graphics with great turn based gameplay that revolves around exploiting enemy weaknesses. While all the characters have fun stories even if they're not the most groundbreaking, they are unfortunately all disconnected, even if the 8 protagonists meet up, with every cutscene being just the 8 characters alone without anyone else commenting on events, instead delegating that to outside conversations outside of that. It is, however, a good game you should check out.

Fun fighting game. Good selection of Pokemon to choose from who all play differently. Would recommend to a fan of Pokémon or fighting games

While the gameplay is very enjoyable, being a more balanced take on 4 alongside the introduction of demons having stats that make moves better/worse depending on whether they're compatible (AKA don't give the ice demon fire skills ya dingus) which I have mixed feelings on. On one hand, it makes demons more unique but skills as a whole got more expensive to compensate. The minimap also isn't terrible anymore, so yay!
But the main reason you'll see people criticize this game is the story, and I have to agree. Without acknowledging the very concept of making a direct sequel to a game built on multiple endings, the new take just isn't great. It feels like it tries to combine the gritty darkness of SMT with the Shounen-esque power of friendship of Persona. All of the characters not from the original feel like stock shounen character templates with not much to add to them. (also this game has a love triangle. WHY!?) The game also misses out on the multiple choices the series is built around even if options like teaming up with the divine powers would have been a great decision, because the ending choices feel token and boil down to 'Be a dick' or 'Don't be a dick'
So while I enjoyed it, it's the worst of the mainline SMT games I played.

A fun metroidvania with an interesting mechanic about switching plains of existence, with some fun combat and platforming challenges, even if the story is basic.
Would recommend.

No, I don't know why this game is actually fun. Good dialogue from the characters who actually can talk (seriously what is with Bowser. Jr in this game?) and fun if very simplistic gameplay. Only gripes are how grindy the game can feel as well as not being able to switch Mario out of your party and needing at least one Rabbid. Still a fun time if you want to play it

Bought the full edition on sale. While it has a good roster (again, bought the whole thing for like 15 euro) and the interactions between said characters are fun if you're a fan of these franchises (Only a Persona 4 fan personally but hey the other characters look cool at least) the gameplay itself is very simplistic and isn't great outside of wanting to see some flashy moves. It also has the worst character selection screen I've seen in a video game, with multiple scrolling wheels for each franchise represented, making it so people can't see the full selection of characters.
Overall, there are many other fighting games worth your time, play those instead.

While the gameplay is very simplistic Paper Mario inspired turn based combat, the story is basically a south park episode with a self insert character thrown in, so if you like South Park you'll like this