An updated port that adds basically nothing relevant save for a somewhat fun postgame and making the opening hours less painful. The best way to play gen 7, but gen 7 is mid as hell anyway

Best 3D Pokémon game, even if it is extremely easy. Some good rivals in Wally and decent map design. If you have to play a 3D Pokémon, play this one

Incredibly easy, painful opening hours explaining mechanics that have gone unchanged for 20 years, and Z-moves which are just megas but worse, and runs like ass even on a new 3DS. Decent story by Pokémon standards, however, and some great new mon designs, with ultra beasts being an incredibly fun concept. Still wouldn't recommend to someone looking to get into Pokémon unless they really like the new Pokémon designs (honestly kinda valid reason NGL

I went in expecting fast hedgehog with wacky alien powers and got fast hedgehog with wacky alien powers. Very fun if also very short Sonic game

Making your own levels as well as playing others is fun. The toolset is well thought out as well. Would recommend

Mediocre track selection and a roster that's a crime against god

Very fun but no real reason to go back to it now that Ultimate exists and is more accessible. Extra modes aren't great compared to the 3DS version

Decent game with a few drawbacks. The cast is mostly well thought out and developed, with Yukari and Junpei remaining some of my favourite characters in gaming. The social links in this entry are the most hit and miss in the franchise, ranging from a kid dying of cancer trying to write a book in a touching story that adds to the theme of death greatly, to some guy trying to bone his hot teacher. Another critique of the game I don't like is that you can't decline dating female social links, meaning an optimal playthrough will see you cheating on multiple people. While the main story is great with an ending that made me tear up, with the main casts personas evolving at a crucial moment in their character development being a great tie in to story and gameplay, it does drag near the end with some somewhat weak villains. Gameplay is pretty tedious, with Tartarus not being very fun to explore. Overall, I would recommend this game for the story alone, just be aware that the gameplay isn't great

Fun if extremely bland platformer that feels like the aesthetics of 2D Mario in the world of the usually more experimental 3D outings. Decent time if dissapointing

Played on Switch which isn't a platform option for some reason. Anyway, this game is a blast. Every level is fun with some great endings to each world where you platform in time with the music. Movement feels good and game is fun either blazing through levels or searching for collectables. A joy of a game, and on sale constantly. A must play if you get the chance

Fun tracks with gameplay that doesn't really match up to later titles, even if mission mode is really fun. Probably the best handheld Mario Kart

Fun and challenging bosses, great animation. Basically what it markets itself as, and basically what you get
Dr. Kahl can go fuck himself, however

One of the best written games I've played. The mysteries the story sets up early on are resolved greatly, with one the best casts of characters I've seen in a game. Every alignment feels natural with pros and cons, and all feel like valid options when compared to other MegaTen games, especially with the added context of the 8th day letting you see the results of your actions. Gameplay is great with demons and skill cracking adding tons to the strategic gameplay, even if it does get a tad grindy near the end. A masterpiece in gaming design (And beldr)

The peak of Pokémon spinoffs. Simple but effective strategy gameplay, where conquering kingdoms and recruiting warlords is a fun system. Only major flaw is how grindy the game can get when a new set of kingdoms opens up. And just when you think you beat the main story, it follows up with several smaller ones, and THEN another main story! One of the best games on the DS and the lack of a sequel is further proof modern GameFreak has no idea what it's doing