This game tricks you into thinking it’s Harry Potter GTA

This game changed my whole life but sadly it is so ass. The KING of Timegating mmorpgs and enemy of the free to play player. Nexon is the Hitler of Game Companies

Terribly balanced game with delayed patch schedule = worst new fighting game on the block. Game is full of lobotomite characters and the worst most minimally thought out system mechanics in anything I’ve ever played. Game is unplayable until the next major patch send help


Peak Trove was generational for my 13 year old mind on that Xbox One but the game has fallen so far it’s not even worth booting up and hasn’t been for the past like 4 years lol

Where as Persona 1’s gameplay is torture labyrinth, this games gameplay is a snooze fest. It’s basically what every rpg hater thinks rpg gameplay is like. One of the better Megaten stories out there but unfortunately the poor gameplay system it’s surrounded by muddles the experience.

Wish they put half as much effort into character interactions and unique intros in the modern games as they did for Alpha 3. Pretty much gave the franchise the boost it needed to get through the two Street Fighter 3 versions that were absolute duds.

The last kinda decent game Ubisoft ever made can we bankrupt that company already


Best jrpg ever if u don’t compare it to Trigger. Goat ost

Some random player airdropped a robot T. rex and left a portal to my base behind, shortly after another player came and pillaged my base and me for hours and stole the robot T. rex from me I hate this pos game

This game truly moved me and I’m convinced it was the last time game freak decided to gaf about this series but because the fanbase is bipolar we will never get them to take risks ever again sad day

I tried playing this with no idea what I was doing without knowing I’d need some type of guide or some shit I spawned in and fought some asshole way stronger than me and immediately had to start a new generation

Celica route map design some of the most brain numbing anti fun shit that’s ever been put in a video game

the peak of the series hands down, all the games prior were just getting the formula perfected