A labor of love. It is easily apparent how much thought and care went into every aspect of this game. The visuals, OST, and writing are absolutely incredible. I think the story could use a little tightening up, however it's apparent the writer was pulling inspiration from many different places and I can respect that. This game is an easy recommend for the price and I hope you like Busdriver as much as I did. Thanks, Andy!

I was looking forward to this game for a while before release and I was extremely pleased with the finished game. Crow Country offers a gentle hit of nostalgia for old school survival horror fans while adding in some QoL improvements. You play as Mara exploring a shut down amusement park where something is clearly wrong. Tension is present throughout the game and you will more than likely have a few jumpscares. The puzzles are great as well. My favorite release of 2024 so far.

I always keep a Gran Turismo game on deck for whenever I feel like driving. I was beyond excited for this game to release and I bought it day 1, but after diving into it, GT7 was a bit of a disappointment. Thankfully, through continued support from Polyphony, GT7 has blossomed into one of the best Gran Turismo games (in my opinion).

I will say the game is absolutely gorgeous and it sounds and feels amazing - The frustrating part is the heavy emphasis on monetization. Cars are expensive and if you don't have enough credits, the game is sure to let you know that spending your real life money is also an option. Personally, I would much rather pay double the retail price for this game and have none of the microtransactions present. It just feels bad to see all of that in such a gorgeous game.

It felt like the marketing for GT7 was pushing this cool, relaxing cafe where you can hangout, take on new objectives and marvel at the beauty of your current vehicle. In reality, the cafe feels extremely bare bones and is just a place to receive your next objective.

Another frustration is the fact that for a while now, Gran Turismo has had almost exclusively rolling starts for the races in game. It just feels weird that there are no grid starts. Race after race, you begin in last place and have to catch all the way up to first place.

Thankfully, the game has been well-maintained and has a lot on content to play through and a ton of cars to drive. All in all - a great game, just not exactly what I was hoping for.