Amazing campaign, did not play the multiplayer but great characters and a solid story. Really fun to replay missions. The villian was really great and the flashback missions were some of my favourite, crawling through enemy territory. The characters are some of the best in the franchise and the ending makes you go dammmmn....what a ride that was. Play this if you haven't already.

Decent enough for fans of previous entries but nothing exceptional. Cool story for those deep in lore but the world is meh considering the cool historical setting. Doesn't drag itself too long and ends quickly. Fun if you want more of the Ezio trilogy but eh if you're looking for something new, bogged down by a horrible tower defense minigame and identical brotherhood system to previous titles

Pretty cool origin story and decent gameplay

Spectacular game! The atmosphere is brilliant and just good gameplay. The combat feels slightly clunky but its alright once you master it and get some upgrades. Great story as well and seamlessly weaves several villians together. A masterpiece for its time and now.

The perfect sequel and one of the best games I've ever played. It improves in every aspect from the previous games. The combat feels so fluid and fast, you will feel like a god once you master it. Cool open world but what a great story with an amazing twist. Really nice how they manage to put in so many iconic villians and the side missions are actually really fun. Nice traversal as well, definitely worth playing.

I did not think the story would be anything worthwhile but it was just straight up really well told. The first half of this game is really strong and the gameplay is good as well not shadowed by story, it's extremely fun to clear outposts and just roam around. The grind starts to set in around the second half, I wish there was more variety, the missions are really fun and has you doing different stuff but the story itself also sort of falls in the second half but honestly wraps up pretty well in a really cool ending. There's a lot to talk about with character growth in the game and lots of parallels and ambiguous stuff, super interesting in a game like this. Definitely worth a play, really fun.

I suck at this but can't stop coming back to play lmao, that should tell you enough about this. Really fun with friends, you do need to practice a lot if you want to progress more but good enough to just goof around in silly modes. Give it a try, heck it's free!

Did not play multiplayer but what a cool campaign. Did not expect that twist in the end and there were a lot of different set pieces across the world so it never felt the same and was very diverse. They got you from breaking out a prison camp to riding horses to take out an enemy faction. Really cool to see in a shooter

I rarely play horror games as I freak out over the smallest things. I was sitting here expecting to get jumpscared or something horrifying to come at me but it never happened...yet I was still terrified. The atmosphere of this game is on another level, it makes you chilly just standing doing nothing in the this unknown desolate place. The character design for the main antagonists is downright horrifying as well. Really scary platformer and a good horror game. By the time you reach the end, you also find out more story and lore than you think would be, a lot (if not most) is never even told to you, you can play this completely oblivious. But there's so much hidden meaning to different things and if you pay attention you can piece together a narrative. Really an amazing game, short as well so just sit down a weekend and play through this horrifying world.

What a great game.
You start out seemingly with no idea on what's going on and everything seems so chill and everyone's doing their own thing. As you progress you realise there are no mission markers and nothing telling you what to do, the whole system is yours to see what to do. Just going around checking out what's happening, discovering small pieces of lore as you slowly start to uncover the broader narrative. Basically, the gameplay for this exploration but the catch is you only have about 22 minutes before it ends and you have to restart with what you learnt before. Not going to spoil what happens at the end of the loop or how you are stuck in one as it's best left to be found out by yourself because that first time, having no idea what was going to happen and seeing it is just mind blowing.The loop narrative for this works fantastic as the last minute or so you are racing around trying to get as much done as possible, it is exhilarating. The end of the loop is such an amazing event as well, that music starts playing and that event happens and you are just floating in space in awe awaiting your eventual restart.

The environments for this are designed fantastic for this as well. I can understand how hard it would be to prepare for the player starting from any point in the game and wondering how they would understand any of this or progress, but it works. That moment when you think back to something you found previously and connect two dots is just amazing.

The solar system is absolutely beautiful. Love the mini planets idea and each planet is very well designed and they do not feel repetitive at all. Each planet has its own gimmick and some of them play into the loop as you need to wait for the loop to end as some are in the state you need them to be only at certain points of time. Each one has a different atmosphere and are just amazing to explore packed with tiny details that you never have to find to finish the game. The fact that you can finish the game in the first loop itself if you know what to do is amazing.

The story for this is absolutely fantastic. Great characters even though there is literally 0 dialogue in the game, you can still make out distinct personalities. The ending for this game is absolutely beautiful and made me tear up which I have rarely done for games. It made me go on a small existential drive as I thought bout everything but ended in such a great and heartwarming way. There are several goofy endings but some are more serious and they are the result of not knowing everything so it's so nice that the game rewards you for exploring everything and finding the full story. Gameplay is pretty fun as well, the ship feels cozy to be in compared to the cold depths of outer space, using your jetpack to platform, keeping an eye on your oxygen and some amazing platforming puzzles that have tricks to do with gravity make it so enjoyable.

The experience you have while playing this is one in a lifetime. I strongly recommend to NOT LOOK UP TUTORIALS if you are stuck as it is so rewarding when you find out yourself. My suggestion is to just explore other places if you're stuck somewhere. Chances are you'll know how to progress from somewhere else.
This game is a perfect blend of gameplay and narrative walking sim and easily one of the best indies ever made. A must play and my favourite game of all time

Solid game. As a first timer to the series, the story was extremely captivating and how it weaved classic norse mythology and replaced some of those elements. The game runs and looks beautiful and some of the sights are really amazing. The combat is nothing revolutionary but it's still pretty fun. One complaint I had tho was the rpg system which felt extremely tacked on and felt just like they put it there so they can say they had customisation. There are so many armours and weapons that are just inconsequential or have such minor stat increases for lots of in game currency. Also when you do get good armour, most of the game is over and the last part doesn't feel like too much of a challenge. Also the bosses were extremely low in number and from what Ive seen of the previous games, the bosses are a big big downgrade. The enemy variety itself is very low as well as its mostly the same humanoid size dead soldiers that are of different colours and sometimes can have different attacks.

The world itself is beautiful tho and is amazing to look at and I was surprised they had some of the nine realms there. The optional realms are not that great as they're just trial realms and some of the realms are really small while others are locked. I was imagining how cool it would be to have several bosses that only appear in that realm like massive fire giants in the realm of fire or dead ghouly creatures in the realm of hel.

Im really hyped for the sequel as it looks like it fixes some of these problems and this is a really cool base game that works pretty well and is fun. Other than a few mishaps, really well done and love that the whole game is shot in a single shot. Worth a play.