Another walking sim so if you're not into those, not sure if you'd like it but I would suggest to try it out as the genre has some pretty good ones. The plot of gone home is starts out really interesting and I think it does a very good job of making you think something horrible is going on and....not going to spoil whether something is actually going on or not but it works really well. The house is really well made and I swear to god this could easily be a horror game with its atmosphere. Small twitch sounds or sudden lightning strikes outside the house make you feel like something isn't right and you keep thinking you heard something. It's pretty light on the narrative side and short as well so worth a try.

This was just such a great campaign. The new stuff such as being able to customize loadouts before a mission, those mini side mission hold the map sort of things and so on were really cool. It took the futuristic setting extremely well and being able to go invis or spider bots and special grenades was really great. Also the choices were really well implemented with some amazing invisible ones that I never knew were even a choice encouraging you to go against what the mission is asking you to do linearly. They managed to do it really well switching between modern times and the future. Great game!

This is actually a really good game. The gameplay is super fun and they added some really cool new stuff like being on the ground after bullet time and just shooting around you. The story is really good too, holds up pretty well to the others, great characters and great soundtrack. A major problem I have is the mini cutscenes. These play like after every shooting encounter just to show him walking or opening a door and whatnot and it really irritates me as it interrupts the flow. They could just keep whatever dialogue they want to during the shootout or while walking. Why does it have to play a goddamn cutscene for everything? The most irritating part about this is I loved to jump through doors with bullet time and shoot down without them ever realising I came in but since so many doors don't open without playing a stupid cutscene and then giving me back control on the other side, I never got to do that. The shootouts are actually pretty challenging and AI is pretty clever as well even on normal. The cover system needs slight work like being able to move to opposite cover without getting up or being able to snap more easily but it's manageable. This game has an insane amount of small details and I loved that he carried all his weapons with him and held his assault rifle in his hand if you equipped cuz most games just make your character's weapons disappear and you can carry a hundred of them that was really cool. That's bout it tbh, reduce the mini cutscenes and stop holding my hand so much and let me shoot more bad guys you got a really solid game.

Easily one of the best COD campaigns ever. Finally freshens up the formula a little bit and I really enjoyed it. Takes to the futuristic setting very well and things like hacking devices or seeker bots are extremely fun to use. The wallrunning was completely unnecesary and isn't even implemented into the game's levels so why even introduce it lol. The cutscenes are really amazing and the acting was top notch as well. Dialogue for this game is very well written and the characters are very memorable (except the villian who barely shows up). Some of these missions are so cool like there's one that was really unique where you were on an asteroid that has a super short day night cycle and these killer robots switch on and off every few seconds as the asteroid rotates, felt horror akin and really enjoyed it. The setpieces are gorgeous to look at and it does really take the space setting seriously and we get missions on planets across the solar system. Enjoyed doing side missions as well and the spaceship combat is surprisingly well done and super fun for something I thought was going to be a one off thing. Ending was great, man such great characters :'). Definitely play the campaign.

Such a fantastic game, it has absolutely beautiful set pieces in the Star Wars world and great action moments. The ending left me hanging a bit and I think there couldve been a few more planets but I can appreciate the existing variety in environments for it being the first game. The combat is challenging (on jedi master) but it definitely isnt the best, animations not completing or frame delays while trying to block lead to some frustrating moments. The levels also are quite confusing when returning to, this being a metroidvania esque leads to a lot of paths connecting to each other. It's quite easy to get lost and the large map doesn't help too much. It's still a decent one to play through with some genuinely cool moments. Great addition to the sw lore and can't wait for more.

This game is surprisingly overrated. Heard so many good things bout it but idk I didn't enjoy it as much. The combat is extremely bad and involves smashing one of two buttons and you have to web the enemies to the ground or they get back up every time which gets so tedious. There is almost nothing to do in the game, all the side stuff is extremely repetitive and none of it is even that good. It's either races or combat tours or just collectibles. The main story itself isn't that great either. There's nothing inherently bad about it but it's just very bland. Also all the missions are just taking out enemies and chasing after bosses and then boss battles. The boss battles themselves aren't great either adding to it is the horrible combat system and the worst part imo was having to complete side stuff if you want to progress in the game. I don't mind if the main story was short but did they really have to pad it out? Since the side content was so tedious, the main story felt really underwhelming for all I had done to get there.

The only cool thing about it was probably the fact that you got to play as venom and the web swinging. Web swinging in this game is surprisingly very good. All the webs attach to surfaces really well and it is very physics based and so you can bump into buildings but I honestly liked it cuz it added punishment if you didn't pay attention and when it worked, oh boy it worked well. The suburbs part of the map wasn't that fun to be in but the main city was really cool to swing around. I think venom was done really well in this game as well and they did not hesitate with adding things like him feeding. Loved his gameplay mechanics and traversal. Also loved the art style and the comic book esque cutscenes.

Overall for 2005 this is a pretty ok game but it's been so overrated in recent times that it felt like a disappointment to me. It's still pretty fun and honestly if it had only a free roam mode with being able to switch between Venom and Spidey and random enemies spawning, I could see myself putting a few hours in just roaming around. Luckily this is very short and I guess if you have nothing else to do give this a play or you can just complete the intro and swing around

The first 10 hours for this game are such a blast. Never had another experience like it, roaming around the seemingly infinite universe. But pretty soon, it starts to falter and the grind starts setting in and you start to realise the repetition of planets. The game again becomes fun when you start to get really powerful but honestly I already left by that point. Check it out it's pretty fun and you might like it. Might get back into some day

Heavily underestimated this one. This was my first turn based game and when you look at them, they don't look all that fun to play. But jesus christ, this might be one of the most addictive games I've ever played. Couldn't stop starting a new save, it's mechanics are really fun and make for tense situations like you're actually in their place. Extremely fun, you will not put it down once you start

This game saddens me so much. What an absolutely fantastic game, it's so close to perfection, to being the best in the franchise and an absolutely killer ending to the trilogy. But there are some mishaps that keep it from that position.

Firstly, the batmobile. This thing is SO FUN to roam around the city in, the buildings are so destructible and it's just downright cool. But by god there are an extremely large amount of forced in tank battles just to get an excuse to use the batmobile. It would be so much better if they limited them to only the side missions maybe, or just atleast lower the number of battles in the main story. I mean this really cool boss battle you're looking forward to (several of them in fact) are thrown away with big tank boss battles...

That's honestly only the major complaint, the other minor one is a story complaint but it's just passable. I didn't mind it as much as other did. Not going to list here to keep it spoiler free but it's just a character (you'll know who when you play) felt a bit rushed and just added on last minute cuz you hear about all these things that happened that you are only told about in this game.

This is still one of the best games ever made. All this stuff is just comparing it to the other games in the franchise which hold up extremely well. Comparing this to normal games, it is very very high. I keep thinking, where can they take the combat next? and they just keep finding new stuff to add to make it smoother. More interesting enemy types, more gadgets that make cooler stealth scenarios, and these new fear multi takedowns and gadgets while gliding just make the gameplay the best in the franchise easily.

The map is drop dead gorgeous, considering this is a 2015 game running on unreal engine 3, it's graphics still surpass 99 percent of all games to this date. The city is beautiful and packed with minute easter eggs and traversal is a blast whether be it gliding or with the batmobile with new features there too that make you just zip around the place faster than ever before.

Despite some expectations not being met, this is a must play game. An amazing masterpiece

Actually not as bad as people say it is. Pretty decent, some of the best boss fights in the franchise. The city is easily the worst in all the games tho, it's very lifeless and dull and the traversal does not feel fun at all for some reason. Still an alright story and it's combat is fun as usual. Worth a play but nothing that's to go down in history.

This one had a lot of potential but fell short for me. It's still pretty fun, that is in the first half. The mechanic is really cool and the story seems pretty interesting at first but slowly I felt myself become more frustrated because the later part of the game requires you do to very specific things if you want to progress and it's super hard figuring it out yourself, you just gotta trial and error every dialogue option. This being a time loop game imo should have several different endings which it does but they are very specific and are more towards the end of the game. It wouldve been extremely cool to have several different endings spread out across the length of the story and you could get any one of them based on your playthrough. But in the end repeating several times to find the exact words to finish the game was irritating even though the plot was intriguing and left to player interpretation which is always enjoyable. Overall pretty decent and starts off really strong with a good concept but falters and ends pretty eh

Another amazing narrative experience. What remains of edith finch is a walking sim so if you're not into that stuff you might not like it but I still highly suggest you try it out since it's done extremely well and is very short. It's only about 2 hours and it's such a blast to go through. Can't talk too much about it since it's so short but aside from the story which is very well told, the environments and the atmosphere is really cool. The story itself is told very creatively through several mediums and some of them just had me gaping. Beautiful story with a wonderful ending and definitely worth a play

Such a bizarre and interesting experience, only about an hour long so can't talk a lot about it but it's worth checking out, it's atmosphere is really creepy and you are very desolate as messages to you start normal but get weirder and weirder. Don't know what to make of it tbh. Also heard the creator passed away after suicide, so rest in peace :/ I can only imagine what thoughts were going through his head while making this. Worth checking out since it's only about an hour long, very strange experience indeed.

highly underrated and just straight up fun to dick around, amazing traversal and plethora of tools to do just go around blowing shit up. The unofficial multiplayer mod for this is so fun as well, just cause was meant to be multiplayer

I did not think the story would be anything worthwhile but it was just straight up really well told. The first half of this game is really strong and the gameplay is good as well not shadowed by story, it's extremely fun to clear outposts and just roam around. The grind starts to set in around the second half, I wish there was more variety, the missions are really fun and has you doing different stuff but the story itself also sort of falls in the second half but honestly wraps up pretty well in a really cool ending. There's a lot to talk about with character growth in the game and lots of parallels and ambiguous stuff, super interesting in a game like this. Definitely worth a play, really fun.