Cool campaign. Definitely not as great as the first one imo because of the characters but still it has more mission diversity this time and some cool one time mechanics only in that mission like that snowmobile fight. Definitely still on the side of the better cod campaigns and worth it.

What a chill experience! Firewatch is extremely relaxing to play and is more of a walking sim than a game so try it if you're into that stuff. Gameplay wise it doesn't have too much to it but it's dialogue is very well written and it's narrative is really excellent. Makes you feel extremely worried and the ending was very controversial but I enjoyed it just as much as it was a testament to how deep I was in the game and how much I was expecting for something crazy to happen. Definitely worth a play since its very short, you can pick this up on a free weekend and experience this yourself

This game is such a rollercoaster ride and hits you right in the feels. It's an exceptionally well crafted story and the characters are so well written. You care for them so much and this being a choice narrative game makes each one of your choices impact hit more. There are so many little things that you can find by looking around but can also be completely missed that add to the depth of each person and they make it so worth it.

The plot is really good and you never expect the twists coming. The puzzles themselves are just decent but that's not the main point at all, the story is just really really good, nothing else to say bout it other than to let you experience it for yourself. Its ending was just so great and it never punished me for picking a "wrong choice". I was happy with all that I chose and being able to look at the outcomes of them both helped a lot. The soundtrack for this game is just...on another level and playing with your sound off is a crime as it amplifies the mood of a scene so much. A must play.

This one was a big disappointment. The previous game was one of my favourite games ever and set a very high standard but this just did not live up to it. The story did not feel interesting at all and was mostly a chore to get through and was only held up by occasional character appearances from previous games. The choices themselves didn't feel as big and meaningful as before and honestly the whole game feels pretty stretched out. Without the cool power mechanic from before, you couldn't see the outcomes of both choices which was a big downfall for me. This one just didn't do it for me and it was just ok, not all that fun. Better off watching a video if you want the plot

It's actually a pretty decent game. Story is pretty eh, just some generic stuff and padding out to throw in extra heroes or villians for no reason but having them there was pretty cool. Now the being able to change between normal suit and black suit at any time even during fighting to chain combos or use abilities only the black suit has in tandem with the normal suit was really cool. Swinging was pretty bad when it came to webs attaching to buildings but it was still extremely fun. This game had lots of stuff that spider man games these days just dont have like the wall combat was super fun and just chaining web strikes in the air was really cool. The choices system was also enjoyable although a lot of the main missions were just repeat side content which was irritating. Summary : Combat and swinging was fun but the story and missions were eh. Symbiote variants of each villians and their henchmen was kinda cool ngl and the ally system was too. Pretty decent for its time tbh and I had a fun time with it.

What a vibe! Super relaxing and dig the pixel style.

Such a unique game. Must play and its surprisingly challenging at times and cool game mechanic as well. The ending surprised me quite a bit cuz I was expecting something completely different but I enjoyed it. Good game

The game mechanic is super fun to mess around with it and I had so much fun doing my own shit and trying to test the limits. The levels themselves are super neat and challenging too. The story seems really basic but has a surprising amount of depth to it. Play it.

This one significantly expands on the first game and adds so much new stuff. The story gets deeply more complex and the set pieces change drastically and some new gameplay mechanics really change things up. Absolutely loved it and one of the best endings ever! Must play.

This was my first real stealth game as I'd soon find out and boy did it make you go as stealthily as possible. Now the score is purely based on how it was for me. As you can imagine, not well for someone who barely plays any real stealth games. In the end, I somehow half assed it and was disappointed in myself in not being more patient. I can still appreciate the immensely clever level design, extremely intelligent AI and really cool gameplay features. This was only a demo and thus short so I'd suggest you only get this if you think you can be stealthy and patient. I hope to play the main game and have a better experience there because I've seen the videos of all the really cool things u can do there and also how it opens up a bit more and doesn't force stealth as much and is more complete overall. Can't wait to give phantom pain a go!

The combat may be just alright, without encouraging me to use too many gadgets even on a higher difficulty but the swinging more than makes up for it. It's just to play a game. I can appreciate the story for trying some new stuff and mixing stuff up of lore that is so well known. Overall, it's a good one if you want sit back and just relax.

Solid game. As a first timer to the series, the story was extremely captivating and how it weaved classic norse mythology and replaced some of those elements. The game runs and looks beautiful and some of the sights are really amazing. The combat is nothing revolutionary but it's still pretty fun. One complaint I had tho was the rpg system which felt extremely tacked on and felt just like they put it there so they can say they had customisation. There are so many armours and weapons that are just inconsequential or have such minor stat increases for lots of in game currency. Also when you do get good armour, most of the game is over and the last part doesn't feel like too much of a challenge. Also the bosses were extremely low in number and from what Ive seen of the previous games, the bosses are a big big downgrade. The enemy variety itself is very low as well as its mostly the same humanoid size dead soldiers that are of different colours and sometimes can have different attacks.

The world itself is beautiful tho and is amazing to look at and I was surprised they had some of the nine realms there. The optional realms are not that great as they're just trial realms and some of the realms are really small while others are locked. I was imagining how cool it would be to have several bosses that only appear in that realm like massive fire giants in the realm of fire or dead ghouly creatures in the realm of hel.

Im really hyped for the sequel as it looks like it fixes some of these problems and this is a really cool base game that works pretty well and is fun. Other than a few mishaps, really well done and love that the whole game is shot in a single shot. Worth a play.

Decent for a good afternoon with friends and devs recently updated with more stuff so new stuff to look forward to but do not do public lobbies if possible they are unbearable

Excellent campaign, fun gameplay and an amazing open world. Did not play online but the main story is fun and engaging apart from a few boring missions and average side content. Definitely worth it

Amazing campaign, did not play the multiplayer but great characters and a solid story. Really fun to replay missions. The villian was really great and the flashback missions were some of my favourite, crawling through enemy territory. The characters are some of the best in the franchise and the ending makes you go dammmmn....what a ride that was. Play this if you haven't already.