206 Reviews liked by Coolhendo

fun puzzle game that happens to feature hot women

deserves all of the undying praise it gets. for $15 (or less on sale) you get an extremely fun and engaging game that's filled to the brim with content and is still being updated for free. farming sims arent for everyone but i really think that just about anybody can play this game and get sucked into all it has to offer. perfect to go bucknuts minmaxing on and/or just chill after a long day/week.

this game was "there for me" during a really Not Great Time in my life which is what makes it even more meaningful to me. now that i think about it, its almost like the player character leaving joja to go to stardew valley was parallel to me getting away from my Not Awesome Experience and playing this game for as much as my free time allowed me to. isn't that cute

this is one of the few truly life-changing games for me and its so awesome that other people have had the same experience. they don't call me Mr. Reddit, but the subreddit for this game is really chill and i often find myself reading people's stories about their time with the game that are similar to mine and its quite lovely innit.

also it has co-op now so you can share this beautiful game with a homie. Play Stardew Valley

Minecraft is "The Game" to me. As for many other people, it was truly the catalyst for my undying love for video games. I'll never be able to find the words to express just how much it means to me and knowing that so many others share the same sentiment is heartwarming.

Survival multiplayer is really what this game is all about. This game truly defines my childhood and continues to be a large part of my adult life, which is a bit silly but I Don't Give a Crud. Me and my friends' bi-seasonal playthroughs of this game continue to create some of my most fond gaming memories and I don't think anything will ever be more therapeutic for me in terms of media than kicking back on a calm evening and playing Minecraft with the boys. I almost feel like I'm in another world, it's nuts.

This game isn't perfect, but it is absolutely as close as it gets. I don't even take advantage of its endless possibilities (which are mindblowing), I simply vibe. If I could erase my memory of one game and experience it anew, it's gotta be Minecraft. A playthrough is at its peak when its filled with discovery, and while the 2022 Minecraft experience can't quite give me that, it's nothing short of amazing.

one of the coolest games ever. it somehow went under the radar for me for years but the combat, exploration, and movement are all fantastic. being able to experience this with up to 3 other friends is just the cherry on top. amazing experience

this is suda's metal gear solid v

i will not explain

a flawed but fantastic finale to the story of everybody's favorite confirmed not racist otaku assassin (who now fucks).
there's so much ridiculousness packed into this game and for me, it managed to top both of its mainline predecessors and tie it all together wonderfully. there are admittedly some low lows here and the hardware limitations of the switch really do give this game a hard time, but i think that suda and his team did an excellent job at giving Big T a bittersweet sendoff.

Easily my favourite 2D Metroid and Metroid in general.

Everything has been perfected and fine-tuned to a polish; movement, gunplay, graphics and even story presentation are top-notch. This is the most cinematic 2D Metroid has ever been and it is fucking HYPE. There are so many amazing moments, especially towards the end.

ZDR is a great setting with plenty of variety. Mercury Steam found the perfect balance between the linearity of Fusion and the free exploration in previous Metroid games. Nothing feels repetitive. Metroid's pacing continues to be incredible.

The EMMI are a new thing and they WILL fuck you up if you underestimate them. One wrong move and you can expect instant death. I will say though that as you progress and gain new abilities, they become a bit of a joke. I wonder if they account for this in hard mode.

The Aeion abilities are also really cool, along with the tools both new and old that Samus gets. They help a lot during both combat and general exploration.

2D Metroid just really clicks for me. The pacing is tight and the length allows it to be easily consumable and replayable. If there's any Metroid I want to replay, it'll be either this or Zero Mission.

I recommend Dread even if you aren't a Metroid fan because it's just that good. It's peak 2D Metroid modernised and perfected. I hope you use this game to get into the others, because those are great too. If you really want to appreciate the series, I recommend starting from the beginning, but if you choose not to, then that's okay. This game is still great standalone. I am going to shill this game. You WILL play it.

Kingdom Heats 2 is an 8, Birth by Sleep is a 7.5 and Re:coded is like a 5 or 6. This is what I'd give the entire thing overall. I like Kingdom Hearts.

One Step from Eden is a great game. It combines quick gameplay with the grid-based system of Mega Man Battle Network while introducing some of its own unique mechanics and abilities. Runs will typically only take you about half an hour, so it never feels too bad when you die and have to start a new one. I think the roguelike system is fun, and having unlockables after your run depending on how well you did lessens the blow a lot, since the next time you try, you'll have more to work with. I look forward to playing more of this. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for some MMBN-style gameplay or just a good roguelike.

Devil May Cry 5 is probably one of the best action games I have ever played. It effortlessly employs easy to play yet hard to master combo systems across a variety of different play styles, all of which are fun. The characters are charming and the story is an interesting premise that pulls from every previous game (outside of 2 and DmC but yeah). Having played the first, third and fourth games before this, I can say that this is the best game in the series easily. I would implore anyone to play this game if they're looking for something that's a blast the entire way through. Probably one of the best games I have played this year. Such a great game.