for what its going for its basically as good as you can get for the genre. Not really my game though. but its still a masterclass in platformer games.

This is my introduction to the Dead Space series and wow. I don't think I could come up with a serious complaint about the game. The graphics are some of the best I've seen in a game and the atmosphere in the Ishimura is perfected. Very surprised this came out of EA. A masterclass on survival horror

game surprised me in terms of quality. Yeah some of the art can get a bit iffy, and some dialogue is pretty cringe. But overall, the amount of paths you can take with Eve and just being in the invincible universe still makes this game at least worth checking out.

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definitely an improvement on the base game story and gameplay wise

played this back at release. Felt like false advertisement as the trailers showed a completely different game.

level design is laughably bad
90% of the time dying doesnt even feel like your fault as you get shot off screen or bad rng from enemy movements just traps you.
story tried a little too hard to be non-linear.

Only real positive is that the gunplay is slightly improved from the first

good gameplay but my god the dialogue can be pretty ass at times

Probably my favorite game in the series.

Columbia is a stunning setting for the game to take place, the gunplay was probably the smoothest and most satisfying in the trilogy.
Biggest complaint is with the predictable arenas where you would just take one fight to the next. As well as the chore style missions the game likes to make you do.
Story is very confusing at first but after some digesting, it makes a little more sense.

I had a lot of fun with the game. The villains are great and the gunplay is vastly improved from the first.

I would find it better than the original if Stefano was the main villain

Just have fun with the game

No real way to play it

Improves itself in almost every way from the original.

Only major complaint I have is with the sit and protect sections with the little sisters. They get a bit repetitive.

Very unique idea that does not overstay the gimmick and manages to have a satisfying runtime.

A little bit lacking in story and some of the puzzles were a bit confusing but overall a fun game.