Loved this game when it came out but going back to it now... oof. Easily the least fun I've had playing a 3D Mario game

Great graphics and music but I found the map design frustrating and some other things really soured the experience. I'll give a romhack a try in the future but the original just is not for me it seems...

Beaten for the third time in a week at 1:46. I think it's safe to say that this is my favorite Metroid out of the first 3. Short, sweet, and hella atmospheric. I love it.

A fun but relatively unexciting translation of NES Castlevania into the DOOM engine. This time around the whip feels like a last resort rather than your bread and butter while subweapons rule the day. Plus, the game showers you in so many hearts that you can spam them without a care so the Vampire Killer is relegated mostly to candle whipping duty.

Graphically it looks pretty nice and there's no doubts that it's a Castlevania game. I did find the map layouts a little underwhelming. IMO they stuck to the design principles of the NES games to a fault, rarely taking advantage of the DOOM engine's capabilities for exploration and instead settling for mostly linear romps from A to B and then to C.

I would love to see a sequel that allows for a little more non-linear exploration of the titular castle and maybe a better difficulty curve (while most of the game is relatively easy, Death and Dracula retain their famous difficulty from the first game. Also the platforming bits in the clock tower sucked.)

The combat is great (even though without the laser sight it feels less like re4) but I had issues in a few places with the camera in close quarters. Not sure about the music, I switched to the original soundtrack after I heard Nine Inch Nails during the village fight in the demo. Game looks great, just wish there wasn't so much clutter everywhere. Voice acting of Leon, Luis, Ashley, Hunnigan and the Merchant is great but the rest didn't do much for me and the less said about Ada the better. Game has a weird tone. It wants to be more serious than the OG but they turned Leon into a quippy redditor instead of a wisecracking action hero. In addition I felt that most of the cutscenes have much less impact than their original counterpart and there is less charm in general, although the added dialogue between Leon and Ashley/Luis was great. New sidequests are pretty lame outside of the stronger enemies you can fight. Hated most of the boss changes, especially Salazar. Island is still the worst part of the game and I was ready for it to end by Chapter 14.

In summation, Resident Evil 4 2023 is a good remake of a GOATed game. It can never replace the original outright but it makes a good companion piece to it, especially for it's added characterization and story beats and for that I'm happy it exists.

2.5 out of 5 if you only play default maps. 5 out of 5 if you play custom wads

It's time to acknowledge that Snow Barrel Blast is the best level in the game.

I love this game. I may even play it someday