She tactics my ogre till I reborn

I sure hope nothing happens to this new lovable character RGG studio has introduced

it sucks. this is my favorite sonic game

I have the indescribable urge to take Ryuki and put him somewhere else

Gameplay is some of the worst I played but everything else is crafted with such care that it's my second favorite fe game. Would not recommend as a gateway into the series but if you played a fe or two before and are patient, give it a shot.
Objectively it's not 4.5 stars but it's 4.5 stars in my heart so who care.

Will now rate every smt game I play with a "does this game have Argilla in it?" scale. This one has Argilla in it. 10/10

This happened to my buddy Eric the other day

One of the few games to make me laugh out loud


It's ok.

Dream sections dragged and felt like funny haha quirky earthbound humor was being injected directly into my bloodstream. I really did not like this part of the game. Its not as bad as some other games in the same wheelhouse but if I had not watched a playthrough I would not have finished this game myself.

Real life sections were astromically better but still felt pretty tounge in cheek about serious topics. Had no subtlety and some things felt like they were just trying to be deep to make the game ""better"".

The presentation of the twist at the end was top notch though, easily my favorite part of the game. Art style and presentation in general were pretty good.

There are fiends with reasons outside my house

Yume nikki but better, seriously.

The community effort has made this game massive alongside quality of life changes that the original should have had. The game being continously updated means there's always something new to explore and look forward to.

Unfortunately the massive scale of the project is also to its detriment. since it's a slew of other people's work, it lacks a sort of cohesion and atmosphere yume nikki has. It's a mish mash of everything that's a joy to play and uncover, but poor in theory crafting and interpretation, which is what made yume nikki so well revered.

By all means, yume 2kki is a better game than yume nikki and still deserves 5 stars, but I think the original will always have the leg up.

The story in this game killed the stupid little hamster rolling around in my 11 year old brain and I have never been the same.

Great for casual audiences. Terrible for diehard fans and as a remake. Should have had more dev time. Also don't play on switch

Not that bad but really forgettable to me with the exception of one route. LGBT rep isn't as good as the same screenshot people share on twitter over and over will lead you to believe either.

Edit: enjoyed this game much more on a second playthrough and even moreso after playing the sequel which I did not enjoy in the slightest, so its been bumped up a point. I still stand by my original gripes to a slightly lesser degree.