Solasta walked so Baldur's Gate 3 could run

I can't believe I still met 7 individual people while playing this game over 10 years after release.

Finally got around to 100%-ing the game and I'm super happy I did. After Phantom Liberty this game is simply phenomenal and one of a kind. Some songs from that soundtrack are gonna be in my playlists forever.

This game is a lot of fun! It really scratches that itch that Battlefield 3 left 10 years ago. A lot more fun with a squad of friends of course, but the roleplay via in-game voice chat is also superb.

Played through the early access build in about 3 hours. Really loved the gameplay and the intricate level design. Looking forward to playing more levels once they release!

Exo One is a nice little game about travelling on different planets with an alien spaceship and flowy movement. The story is intriguing and leaves a bit of room for interpretation. All in all a relaxed experience for an hour or two.

This review contains spoilers

I played Valheim with two other friends and it was one of the best co-op experiences I had. Right from the beginning it delivered on the Viking feel in the gameplay. One thing I want to mention is how the wooden building blocks in combination with the smoke system and the way stability works, make you automatically build houses that resemble traditional Viking longhouses.
Especially the first two bosses felt really well designed with different move sets and general game feel. Let's not talk about the swamp boss, but the final two bosses felt weak. The later regions like the mountains and plains also seemed almost too straightforward in the end. It was seldom worth upgrading the current armour since the next material would devalue it on level 1.
I really liked that they reused older materials (iron) in the plains biom. I felt all systems got their due share to be used. Farming for examle was always important for good fold, but peaked again in the plains when you needed a farming outpost to harvest flax and barley for end game armor and food.

All in all the game already is worth its price. I'm looking forward to the upcoming updates and will probably play it again in one or two years!

Apex Legends is the only BR game that actually got me into enjoying a game of this genre.
I believe this has multiple reasons. First of all, obviously, the communication system in this game is very good. The Voice chat is a little rough but it does its job well in combination with the ping system and the corresponding voice lines. I also enjoy the Hero System, similar to MOBAs and shooters like Overwatch this game brings with it. Essentially every character can shoot guns the same, so there are no balancing issues, but they all have their unique features to make them stand out and assist the team in different situations.
The game can be very hard to play solo or with two people, but it's pretty certain these modes will come in the near future.
The technical quality of the game is also exemplary. The graphics look very nice, the sound design is ver good as well. There are some Netcode and Server Issues, but those are rather minor if you own a stable connection.
All in all Apex Legends is a solid shooter with some minor issues, which are to be expected with a newly released game.

I just finished playing the Bonus Episode and I've been bawling my eyes out since.
This game has very special storytelling which goes deep under the skin.
Especially with Ashly Burch returning one last time as the voice of Chloe Price, this last bonus episode made the whole game even better.

This game really is great.
Since release, Rare has done a very good job of adding new events and features, and they plan on doing so in the next few years as well. For Free.
I see why people think the price tag is high for this game but one must also see what they get for the price.
Two years later I must revise the main part of that review. The content updates in the last year were lacklustre at best. Barely any original content, mostly recycling old missions and additions to the new MTX store "the Pirate Emporium". The amount of sell out this game has gotten is incredibly sad.
Besides some questionable decisions in its community management, Rare has lost my goodwill in the team. I do not recommend the game anymore.

I have spent around 90 hours in this world and I am totally engrossed. The world and the story feel absolutely believable and real. I already had multiple situations which made me question my approach to a mission or how I am playing.
So far the Story has absolutely gripped me. As someone who loved Cyberpunk 2020 I feel like this game is one of the best adaptions of a TTRPG into a videogame.
The world looks beautiful, even on medium settings and the stories that are simply told through the environment are en par with the Witcher 3.
I don't understand how people can call the decision making "flat", or call it "not an RPG". It has every element an RPG needs. Just because it doesn't highlight it to you that your decision affected the story, doesn't mean the story is flat. I already had multiple encounters where my "small" decisions made a huge difference in the end.

I acknowledge, that there are some issues with this game. But that doesn't make the game bad. I honestly didn't encounter nearly as many bugs as some people make it out to be. The only real immersion breaker is the police AI, but listening to CDPR this will be fixed soon.
People forget how different the Witcher 3 was before it received its updates. People only found it playable by update 1.10 after launch and still call it a masterpiece today.

I'm certain CDPR will fix its little kinks to let the true game behind them shine and let everyone experience this incredible story.


Hades is the only Rogue-Like game which truly hooked me and made me wanna play the game. Now, even after I "finished it" once I feel the urge to come back to try another escape attempt.

Edit: After a long pause and picking it up again I finally rolled credits. This game is just so good at getting you back in the groove.

Far Cry 5 is one of the best co-op games to play these games. I've played this game from start to finish with a friend