These days I went on a loop of playing minecraft, valorant and fifa, cause I was postponing finishing this game. I didn't want to start another one, cause I knew I was gonna forget about it.

The only reason this game exists, is just the same "people liked the first one, let's just make more money." There was NO reason for a second game.

It's literally the same game but with a meh story. And It's so obvious how they noticed the commotion about the little sisters and just spammed 957498 of them, with a boring minigame of "defend her while she collects adam". Like, 2 minigames or more for each.

"But, Felix, You could've harvested them"

No, thank you, cause saving them was part of my fun till they made into this horrible repetitive task <3

Also, It crashed a lot, more than the 1st one

I'm pretty sure I played it on a friend's house before, but I had to try it as an adult. It's still pretty cool for nowadays, good song selection and I thought the graphics would be worse.

it was fun, but nowadays the only people playing it are veterans that kill you without even taking a single damage. A cool community turned into a really toxic group. There's also the fact that some of the servers are pretty empty depending on what mode you're playing.

A bird story is only a prologue for finding paradise. It's nice, but not as impactating as to the moon. Also, the OST still gave me an auditive orgasm <3

Can be fun with friends, but the game on singleplayer...

It's not bad, but It's definitely nothing special. Dwarves mining can get pretty boring.

COD is not a franchise I'll be playing again...

I decided to start with this one because there are good reviews, but after playing the campaign mode I noticed: people only praise it because of zombies and multiplayer mode. None of my friends play it, so I can't disfrutate of this.

It's even a meme nowadays for how short COD campaigns are getting throughout the years. Thank god, because it's dogshit <3. I mean, it was made for 12y american boys.

The mechanics and graphics are okay, but the story, the edgy script and characters made me wanna jump out the window.

Personally, I'd play other fps game.

I cried.

A few years ago, I was a child that could play it by pirating it, but today I made sure I payed for it, cause Freebird Games deserves it. Well, now that I'm older and I understand a little bit more about the world, this game have much more impact.

This OST is one of the best in all videogames history, I'm not kidding. The storytelling is flawless just as the sound design, and that's why most of the people cry with the "final scene".

This is cinema, I'd give all my money to someone make a movie out of this.

"They shine their lights at the other lighthouses, and at me."


So, I bought the second one just because of the story, cause I'm in love with Assassin's Creed universe... I do not regret it!

They improved a lot of things, mainly the gameplay. We still have a good story and it's awesome how they mixed it with the collectibles. I hate 100% ubisoft games, cause it's always the same "there are 985345 collectibles through the map, good luck <3". BUT in AC2, we have codex pages that explains a lot of things Altair did in the meantime, we have feathers that have a meaning (you get to see some cutscenes) and It's cool to see the town improving.

I adored the fact they built this game mixed with reality, with "the truth" and historical facts. The OST is a banger, it is one of the reasons I wanted to play, cause I had it on my spotify even before I started.

The gameplay was hugely improved, parkour is faster, we have more diversity of weapons, stealth options, not having to do the same mission on and on, etc. I'm not saying It's perfect, but it's okay now.

"did you have problems with it?"

It's ubisoft, what do you think? The only ubisoft game that didn't crash on my pc was rayman origins, and it's a 2d one. BUT, this was the one that crashed the least.

Is it worth it? Yes.

"Requiescat in pace"

(Brotato is better, I guess)

Vampire survivors is still a good "I need to move my fingers" game, but slower, with a larger map and without a wave system.

It's a dopamine bomb roguelike, cool i'd say

For its price, It's an excellent choice

Well built, fun, etc.
I just don't get the hype around it

Pretty forgettable and boring to get all the endings.

There are just a few choices to make, even though they make impact. It literally has a "fast forwarding" button.


I just rate it as a 7 due to the story, cause the gameplay sucks.

The ambience for a 2007 game is fantastic, the songs are ok and the story cativated me the most, BUT

It's ubisoft. They have the money, they have qualified people, but they always make a mediocre gameplay. First game of the saga is basically: go there and "investigate" (what it means you have to do the same missions 9 times to discover where your targets are).

I don't remember much stuff about the other ones, but in AC1 the guards literally wanna kill me for any reason. "Oh, you gave me a little bump while you were walking, I'm gonna call 15 guards to gang bang you." The combat is pretty much the same and kinda boring. If you wanna run away, good luck trying. If you're doing parkour, they'll throw ROCKS at you and you'll fall. When you're almost in the hiding spot, they'll find you <3

All I said + tons of bugs and freezings from a 2007 GAME IN A PC THAT RUNS GTA V

Just buy it if you wanna play all of them