How to ruin a franchise: Exhibit A

Who knew that Battlefield for kids could be so fun?

Forced stealth sections in a non-stealth game are the bane of my existence.

My new goal in life is to become like Fat Thor, both in body and mind.

I didn't think there could be a worse final boss than Batman: Arkham Asylum's but here we are.

I can't believe it took nine fucking years to make this shit.

Going from Starbreeze to Digital Extremes was a HUGE downgrade.

Pro tip: just cast Mark Hamill as a villain if you want your game to be good.

I like to think that this is some poor bastard's only experience with the Uncharted franchise.

This game might look amazing but it's the same game you played for twenty years (not saying that's a bad thing).

I'm giving this four stars based on Bungie's work, not 343's.

The gameplay is generic as hell but that story is "chef's kiss".

This game is underrated as fuck. Fight me Reddit.


It's Doom. How do you fuck up the multiplayer THIS BAD.

I don't have games. I have FAMILY.