In the time it took me to complete this game, I know someone who graduated college, got married, had three kids, and bought a house.

But he doesn't have all the achievements in Left 4 Dead so who is really winning at life?

The Taco Bell plotline hits way too close to home.

Unironically better than Far Cry 3.

I love that they re-released this game for all five people who remember it exists.

I practically beat this game in one sitting. No regrets.

One of the best co-op shooters on the 360 that NOBODY talks about. Such a shame.

They've made ONE Lego game with online co-op and it came out fifteen years ago. Tsk tsk.

This game's stealth mechanics are more dated than frosted tips.

Remember when Telltale Games was good? Yeah, me neither.

What the fuck happened to Twisted Pixel? Ohhhh right, LocoCycle.

If I took a shot every time my frame rate dipped while playing this game, I'd be deader than Team Bondi.

That final boss is straight ASS.

It's like a Marvel movie except it's actually good.

Who knew that being a parent could be so fun?

Calling this game "realistic" is just code for "it sucks ass".