How to ruin a franchise: Exhibit A

It's like Dead Island but actually good.

I love forcing my friends who hate playing top-down games to play top-down games.

My new goal in life is to become like Fat Thor, both in body and mind.

This game might look amazing but it's the same game you played for twenty years (not saying that's a bad thing).

Pro-tip: don't release an unnecessary title in your long-lasting franchise suffering from fatigue on a dying console.

I paid $70 only for this to come out six months later on PC. Oof size = MEGA LARGE.

Ever wanted to play a four hour long game that's essentially one long cutscene? Well here ya go! That'll be $60 plus tip.

I like to think that this is some poor bastard's only experience with the Uncharted franchise.

Member when Naughty Dog didn't just make movie games? I member.

Hey let's waste another DLC slot on Joker.....AGAIN.

Throwing Mami off the map will never get old.

This is what the Zoomers on TikTok call "Mid".

Forced stealth sections in a non-stealth game are the bane of my existence.

In the time it took me to complete this game, I know someone who graduated college, got married, had three kids, and bought a house.

But he doesn't have all the achievements in Left 4 Dead so who is really winning at life?