Visually stunning, with a ton of memorable characters. The puzzles and combat were fun, and the atmosphere was great. It was exactly what I was hoping it was going to be.

Very short and sweet. A fun little platformer that does what it sets out to do well. Super replayable, too.


The gameplay's pretty fun, but the real joy is making the most fucked up scrunkly scrimblo bimblos of all time

Compared to Botw, some aspects are weaker and some are stronger, but it definitely matches the quality. This is one of the most purely FUN games I've ever played, it was a blast. Reusing the old map worked out way better than I thought it would, it was awesome reexploring it and finding everything new. This game is incredibly impressive.

I doubt there will ever be an experience that recaptures the magic of playing this game for the first time. Simply magnificent.

This game only came out two years ago but it already feels nostalgic. It's exactly what Pokemon needed, a real shake up to the formula. The changes to the battle system are great imo, they really spice up the gameplay, and of course the new catching system is amazing. They need to bring it back again, because this is the most fun catching Pokemon has ever been. This is one of my favourite Pokemon games, I gotta replay it soon.

This and it's sequel are without a doubt my favourite pokemon games, they have great new pokemon, great pacing, the best art style in the series, an interesting story, fun characters, perfected gameplay, fun places to explore, and Natural Harmonia Gropius.

The story was amazing and kept me hooked, but the gameplay kinda got boring after a while. Not a big fan of the combat, but exploring the environments was fun. Good game, but I honestly should've just watched the show.

Was a blast with friends over quarantine, and still is fun today. The only difference now is we laugh when we say the title.

is fun for an hour, and then i never want to play it again. 80 dollars???

Yep, it's more Mario Galaxy. Which means it's amazing. Everything about it is on par with the first, and the new mechanics are fun as well.

Yeah it's great. Level design is top notch, gravity mechanics are a blast, and the atmosphere is awesome. The switch port is great too, I liked the gyro way more than i though i would, and having the spin mapped to a button is better imo. This game in HD is glorious.

Has a problem of bad level scaling at the beginning, and not my favourite dex, but yeah this is a phenomenal pokemon game. Lots of fun.

It's the masterpiece everyone says it is.