Yeah, it’s fine. I’d say it’s not really worth playing nowadays. It’s pretty primitive compared to something like Batman Arkham, spiderman ps4, or even the sequel to itself.

I don't really know what to say about this game that hasn't already been said. It has fantastic puzzle design combined with storytelling that's weaved into gameplay for the most part with few cutscenes needed.

I didn't even play it long enough to remember more than "bad"

I like the atmosphere, it's a lot more laid back than something like thousand year door, even if it's not quite as smooth in the gameplay department. Probably my favorite of the original paper mario trilogy.

The best skating game of all time. And a contender for my favorite game of all time.

Way more fun than you'd think based on most of crash after naughty dog left. I love it.

Best Tony Hawk game hands down. It was also one of the last great ones before project 8 and proving ground. Which aren't necessarily bad, but I don't think were as good as what came before.

TTYD introduces a lot of great stuff to the battle system, but also introduces some dumb random elements that can (if rarely) totally change a battle’s outcome. It also has a much better story than 64, but also a bunch of the bad type of backtracking.

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit? More like, Burnout: Hot Pursuit. But Burnout Paradise was good, and this is good for many of the same reasons.

Probably the best traditional Tony Hawk game. Lots of secrets to discover, funny moves, great customizability, and just a fun time all around.

Take Spider-Man 2, remove a little of the good, sprinkle in some more of the bad, and ban, you’ve got Spider-Man 3. A good enough time, but not as good as 2

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I wish so badly that I was able to enjoy the majority of this. But because of the horror elements, I wasn’t able to experience this game like I wanted to. There’s still an awesome mystery to solve, and the story still has that unique “outer wilds” feel to it. There’s awesome moments, and the sailing is fun. The horror just made it essentially impossible for me to experience it, and I had to have some friends give me information so I was able to get through those sections at all.

Great story, it’s simple on paper, but made much better through execution. Not quite as fun as 64 or ttyd gameplay wise, but it’s very fun in its own way.

The most innovative shooter I’ve played in years.

The first game I ever remember loving. And probably is responsible for a lot of my tastes in games. Great story for a Mario Game, and one of my favorite stories. Loved the gameplay as a kid, but nowadays it kinda feels like I'm just running and jumping (without it feeling as fun as a proper 2D mario). Even so, this game is easily in my 10 favorites of all time.