If you like rooms full of enemies and mutants, this game is for you! A lot of enemies will be around corners so expect save scumming. i'm proud of doing it otherwise I'd take a lot more time to beat this shit game.

I don't know why I beat this game, unlike episode 5 I did it all without cheats, it sucked hard.
You have a key on x and door y is on the other side of the map. Have fun! The maps are gigantic and like I said above, full of mutants from floor 13(?) to floor 18.

No comment on Trans Grosse. Too easy to be bothered. Same for Barnacle, just hide like any boss in wolf3d and shoot sometimes when is not shooting you.

All the bosses were easy until the Ubermutant as he runs too fast and you barely have space to fight him so have fun running away.

The Death Knight however, you need to run away to the sides for ammo and health (yes I used a map for floor 17 and 18) and kill all the mutants or they will murder you like a little lamb.

Angel of Death (probably a reference to Dr. Mengele), the big bad boy in this game is a joke. Hide behind the block, shoot his face until he attacks, hide behind the block and repeat till he's dead. There's an ammo pack in front of you so it's not that hard.

Good things I can say about this game: Ammo Box, the silly drawings at the ending, that's all.

Will I ever go back to any Wolf3d related content? uhhhh maybe if I go insane and play both expansion packs, which I doubt I will, I'm too tired of the same enemies and push walls.

I've started to play this game (with the ECWolf source port, or I wouldn't be able to find my way out of some levels).

Episode 1 was pretty fun. I just reached episode 2 and I fucking hate mutants man, no wake up noise, no flinch, just stupid enemies. I beat episode 3 yesterday, it's good and I had a lot of fun with it

I beat episode 4, half of it was with cheats, I could not care less. Episode 5 I used cheats too, fuck it, too boring, too big. Episode 6 was ok though, I didn't cheat for it but it was still a slog.

Conclusion? Episode 1 and 3 are a must play. Episode 2 can be hard with the mutants but it's still a fun time. Episode 4-6 suck and I don't want to see them ever again.

I prefer half life 1 to this. They tried really hard to introduce the gravity gun (you can see it when there's an achievement to complete an entire chapter with it)

Also vehicles chapters are boring.

ABH is funny as shit and probably one of the things that I liked about the orange box source lol

it's a steam deck demo, but pretty silly and quick

It's fun and short. Kinda weird that you control her actions and she gets mad at you because you don't help her to buy milk.

It's less than an 1€ so yeah

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I'm gonna write a complete review this time around cause it's the third time I beat this game and it's not enough.

Black Mesa Inbound: Nothing to say.

Anomalous Materials: You get the suit, you fuck up everyone's day including the facility.

Unforeseen Consequences: Pretty easy and gets you into the mechanics of the game, not much to say (again).

Office Complex: Here you get the shotgun, I've used this gun through pretty much all game and I love it, probably because of the sound.

"We've Got Hostiles": Meet the HECU, the team to clean up you and all your comrades because of the mess you did. You get the SMG here and it's awesome too. Also there is barnacles, fuck.

Blast Pit: Turn on the oxygen, fuel pumps and power generator and burn those tentacles down to escape. Also you get the colt here. Good weapon.

Power Up: Most of the time I just skip it, it's boring. Restore the power and kill the gargantua. Then hop on the tram and get ready for one of the most boring chapters

On A Rail: Geniually... boring. Who did this. This chapter is kinda long and you have to keep exiting the tram to activate something ugh it's just... annoying. Then you activate the rocket. And jump back on the tram. Ugh.

Apprehension: Not much to say. You get the crossbow here which is pretty neat, you also kill an aquatic monster. ALSO FUCK BLACK OPS HOLY SHIT THEIR STEPS GIVE ME ANXIETY. They are here to eliminate the HECU, shouldn't they get a game too...? Then you almost get killed by HECU.

Residue Processing: You get some of your guns back, other than that not much.

Questionable Ethics: Cool chapter, you get the snarks and tau cannon here. I like the tau cannon a lot, as for the snarks... not really. Also you find the alien grunts here which is not pretty neat they are annoying as shit.

Surface Tension: There's a lot of fighting here and not much story, I like the cliff section and on my 3rd playthrough I found a suit battery that didn't know was there. You also get the RPG which is fucking awesome I love it, and some other weapons back xD.

"Forget About Freeman!": HECU gone, use missiles, keep going around in circles, it's ok.

Lambda Core: There's a lot of alien grunts around here, I usually cheat quick saves for the teleports cause they are annoying to repeat. Something is on the other side of Xen opening the rift so you get a long jump module and go into xen.

Xen: Nothing.

Gonarch's Lair: Fight big balls, nothing much.

Interloper: I hated the parkour part, then there's a lot of controllers and ehhh, I hate this chapter too

Nihilanth: Final boss.

I love this game and I will be probably be playing more in the future

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The cake is not a lie


I beat this one like years ago. Pretty cool game, i'm not the biggest fan of DC or super heroes in general but I had fun.

I wish I could play it again if it stops freezing at the main lobby