Fun game to kill some time! It's free and it's goofy and fun, reminds me of when truly free indie gaming was a lot more prevalent (not that I'm upset devs charge people for a more polished experience) but yeah this is really great. Played as part of my Game a Day before SGDQ 2024 self-imposed challenge!

BEATEN on 6/12/24.

Being a fan of the original Dreamland, as well as a little bit of experience playing Kirby's Adventure - I was happy to get into this and - yeah, it's short and sweet.

The abilities give you a whole playground of things to do, there's some fun secret stuff for 1-ups or access to more minigames on the menu, most of the game is just 1 giant linear playground that you can really do whatever you want in. Add in mixes and the BURNING ability and I see the appeal as a speedgame as well.

It's mostly a walk in the park difficulty-wise (as one should expect from a Kirby game) but the 7th world and pretty much the final does have some really creative and psuedo-challenging levels, along with a revamped Dedede fight that doesn't stray too far from the original but feels fresh and a new final boss that is at least kinda cool; making this feel like a nice, full package.

I didn't even get into Extra Mode or the minigames, so there's definitely a replayability factor here too. The music is good, graphically it looks nice and colorful at least on a brightened screen and I have nothing to complain about other than it being a little bit on the short side and not too far out of the box when even at this point we had some pretty revolutionary Kirby games.

BEATEN on 6/5/24.

Only bothered with the basic, no-emerald Sonic ending as I'm not really a Sonic guy other than a plug-n-play console of the first 2 games being my entry to gaming. Always liked Mario more, but I always liked the Sonic flash games and those games always ripped sprites out of the Advance series so I figured I'd finally give this a spin.

Yeah, it's definitely not that challenging. The last 2 real levels can really screw you over, especially with the 2nd-to-last one having a time limit that - while lenient - can be a bit tricksy to navigate around if it's your first time.

Otherwise, all the main sonic hallmarks are here including a water level. It's Sonic, what more can you ask for?

I don't know, if I was a bigger fan of the franchise I'd probably enjoy some of the other characters or going for the true ending but as is I felt I got my time out of it. So take this as a "if you like Sonic, you'll like this way more than me". Only took an afternoon to beat so if you like short games you'll like this too.

BEATEN on 6/4/24.

I haven't beaten a game in a very long time, instead sticking to my usual games that don't really have any solid ending to them. I wanted to get back into gaming as I am re-entering college this fall, so I figured I'd replay this and log it for the sake of it.

Really solid Metroid game, only one I've played aside from AM2R (log soonr) and it's honestly just really well put-together.

I don't really know how to shinespark still, I missed a few core items while I was on the main planet but eh whatever I beat the game and the bosses are a joy as always, I think I MAY have tried booting up NES Metroid at some point as a kid and wasn't really feeling it, so really glad this exists.

Some of the puzzles can be a bit weird to figure out unless you're in the mindset, but it's like riding a bike - once you know how it works, you generally don't forget. I have the final boss strategy ingrained in my retinas.

Those 2 space pirates at the end suck, though. Pretty much a scenario of how many E-tanks you have at that point.

Nearly flawless game, 9/10.

BEATEN ON 5/28/24

Surprise, I always thought this game was really hard when I was a little kid playing it in arcades in pizza spots. It's really not that bad. Fun to play for a bit and grind scores on, or if you really want to, just play either mode (from what I can tell there's just a few minor changes) and beat all 3 levels to save Pauline.

Can't go wrong with this one, anyone with access to emulation can and should check this out, it'll probably take you 20 minutes to beat TOPS and it's just a fun little blast from the past.


Shocked this won over Pizza Tower at TGA, I can see why (it appeals more to the general demographic) but at its core COCOON is a simple top-down puzzle game with a couple "gameplay" bosses in-between. Nothing bad, in fact I had fun solving the puzzles and thought they were quite intuitive and rewarded strategy. However, this does not mean the puzzles are without their flaws.

A lot of backtracking is required and the same concepts are re-treaded, sometimes to figure out puzzles you need to do something based off of intuition which not all people have, in particular I really didn't have to look up any solutions (most puzzles came to me after a bit of thinking in my case) but the very final puzzle I just wanted to finish the game so I looked it up. D'oh moment for sure.

Other than that, the bosses that are here are pretty fun, although the final boss is a bit of a cop-out and I was expecting more of an ending than what was given.

Aesthetics are beautiful, soundtrack is beautiful and minimal, this is an artsy game that can be enjoyed by almost anyone, I just think bottom line for me personally I enjoy games with a bit more going on hence the relatively low rating.


Pleasantly surprised at how accessible and fun this was, right up until the very end. All I'll say is, it involves a time limit and there is not much room for error. Maybe some might find it easier but I had to seek external help.

Otherwise, really fun game, story might be a bit barebones but it's fun and the voice acting is good.


funny piranha plant despawning on 8-4 heeeeeeee

(yeah everyone's said everything about this game just gonna say it's off my bucket list now and I can move on. solid game)

Abandoned at MAP30. I really, really wanted to finish this but MAP30 is just such a shift in tone, gameplay, spirit, and difficulty that I decided for the sake of my sanity to just say goodbye to Scythe forever. I'm proud of myself for beating maps1-29 single segment on HNTR, but MAP30 is where I drew the line.

This won a Cacoward on Doomworld (the main Doom website/has been for its entire timeline) and I can see why, even however many years later. It's fun, punchy action for most of the ordeal with some interesting concept maps, and unlike others I actually enjoy a majority of the Hell maps (maps21-30) and find them fun. If you want slaughter executed well in a wad like Scythe, look at MAP26. Plenty of invulnerabilities, plenty of mega spheres, plenty of BFG ammo, doesn't take that long, bam, there you go, DONE. Some of the maps in here are challenging without even needing that many monsters just because they're well designed for that matter. I just can't see why MAP30 had to be included other than "Oh, it's the final map, might as well go all-out!"

A 4-star mod that gets ruined down to a light 3 by virtue of its final map alone. This is one of the rare instances in which I cannot bring myself to finish a game/mod. It's not even that I hate slaughter, it's the context in which this is inserted into the game with little warning and in such full force that makes it a stinker.

Even all that aside, the good maps suffer from lack of detail (understandable, it's vanilla) and maps1-10 are really boring for the most part. Scythe, I respect the hell out of you but I cannot beat you and I'm sorry that I can't, you just aged rather poorly.

Abandoned on 7/6/23 AT THE VERY END.


Alright, game 2 of this Mega Man journey. Played on Switch although it's marked as NES because Switch is not an option on this game for some reason. No savestate abuse other than to split play sessions, plenty of rewind abuse but if you check my Mega Man 1 review I go more into detail about that. TL;DR - it's just how I prefer to go about this.

Mega Man 2 is a MUCH better game than MM1. Probably the most fondly looked upon, and maybe the easiest(?). Metal blade makes most bosses look like a joke, and there's nothing too hard in here other than a puzzle-like Wily stage bossfight that requires precise ammo usage. Everything is an improvement here, from the UI to the graphics to the enemy design to just... agh, everything here is so much better. Plus, you can actually do bosses for the most part in whatever order you want once you get Metal Blade as there's no forced progression and actual secondary weaknesses for the bosses, unlike the first. The Wily stages are plenty hard, though, and they will demand precision and saving ammo. Better have those E-tanks on hand for the last stage!

I can see Mega Man getting better than this, but from my limited experience with the franchise, it seems like a high bar to top. I can't wait to be pleasantly surprised as pretty much everyone I know says it just keeps improving the deeper in the series you get. Really solid game here, classic NES fun that doesn't feel completely unfair (especially with Legacy Collection luxuries).

Beaten on 7/5/23 on Switch.


Marking this as the NES version but I played it on my Switch via the Mega Man Legacy Collection Vol. 1. Meaning that a rewind and savestate system are present, I didn't really abuse savestates (moreso just used them for breaking up a single-session game into multiple playsessions, saving before stages). While I didn't abuse the savestates I definitely abused the heck out of the rewind feature, and I am not ashamed of this. I've beaten this game "legit" before on an emulator, which people are always gonna question the legitimacy of beating a game on an emulator but I'll let that rest as I really cannot be asked to care that much about how people beat old games in [current year]. In some cases, rewinding actually made the game harder on me as instead of dying and having more health to redo the stage with, I just soldiered on with 1 hit left on the Wily stages and kept rewinding, having to constantly figure out boss movements as I rewound. Maybe this detracted from the overall experience, I'll let you be the judge.

Anyway, my experience with megaman is rather limited. I enjoy the franchise, but I've only ever really beaten 1 and 2, and played a bit of 3-6 and a bit of x1 and x2. I'm looking forward to this journey but I am a bit hesitant as to how much timesink this will be in the long run.

The game itself? It's alright. About what you'd expect for a 1987 NES game. Graphics are very nice, sound design is there, there is actual level design even if it can be a bit unfair at times and you're forced to take damage, bosses can be trial and error until you figure out the right strategy (the copy boss in particular is very trying), etc etc... I can't complain about anything here, but I also can't rave about it. The version I played patched out the pause glitch making bosses like Wily Machine Phase 2 and Yellow Devil much harder, but as I said earlier, rewind eventually put this to rest.

Overall, do I feel a little guilty that I'm about to go into this classic 6-game series with rewind abuse? A little bit, yeah, but at the end of the day I suppose it was baked into legacy collection for a reason, those being newer gamers that aren't used to 'NES-hard' or people that simply don't wanna dedicate days to trying to beat a single game. I feel like I got the proper amount of difficulty out of this game rewind or not and it was mostly just a trip down memory lane. I'm interested to see how 3 and beyond fare for me as those are uncharted territory but 2 comes first. Mega man is mega mid. But 2 is leagues better and from what I hear they keep improving so I'm excited for this little endeavor.

Beaten on 7/4/23 on Switch.


Mario Kart is THE go-to comfort game. Throughout the years, it's never gotten stale and I can only hope that as I check out the DLC it stays that way. What we're presented with in the base game is 48 tracks that, for the most part, are fun. My opinions may be a bit biased as I played this game with my dad a LOT before COVID hit, so I'm familiar with most of the 48 base tracks. And some of them I like more than others, especially on 150cc. I got the 3 gold stars on every cup on 50cc this playthrough so as not to rage hard at the CPUs and make it relaxing, but some races were still close.

The first 4 cups (Mushroom - Special) I presume are the base game cups carried over from the Wii U version. There are a couple standouts such as Thwomp Ruins, Electrodome, and Mount Wario, but for the most part the tracks are just alright. Nothing that really excites me as much as some other cups in the game. After that are the Wii U DLC cups, some of which are hits, some of which are just full of mid tracks, and some that are a mixed bag of quality. It's great seeing tracks like Sherbet Land and Wario Stadium in HD, and my all-time favorite track in this game is Music Park 3DS. Unfortunately, the Bell Cup that ends things is full of uninteresting tracks, but it is what it is.

I could go on about the gameplay loop, which character and parts I use, so on and so forth, but it's Mario Kart, there's no need to really explain any of that. Fantastic game that I'm glad to finally say I 'beat', even if it was only on 50cc.

Beaten on 6/27/23.


As others have said, fun, short indie game. Good way to kill an hour or so. The last bit of the game is probably the most fleshed-out and combines everything you've learned in the game up to that point to give the game a little more substance, but most of it is just swallowing stuff up with holes. Which is still pretty fun in its own right.

Story is alright, it's (yet again) a game about devouring things with holes so the story doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be funny and entertaining, and for the most part it is. I can imagine if you're an older gamer though most of this would be lost on you in terms of charm or funniness.

Overall, not bad. Beaten on Switch on 6/23/23 in 2 play sessions in 1 day.


Up there with Lunatic (reviewed also on my profile) as a great 'coffee break' mapset, but actually a bit better IMO. Mouldy's charm is overwhelming at times and it leads to some great, slaughtery, turn-your-brain-off encounters. I liked the fifth map the most.

Beaten on 6/20/23.


Played on PC through exporting the add-on from the Doom Unity Port into an external source-port (in this case, DSDA-doom).

What a fun little mapset that I hadn't yet played! This is more in line with what I'd look for in an officially sanctioned Doom expansion than say, SIGIL. Fun levels, nice fair challenge, emphasis on secret-hunting, and a satisfying conclusion. No complaints here, this was highly enjoyable from start to finish.

Beaten on 6/19/23.