May, 2016


100h 0m

Completed the main quest and all DLCs. Lots of time and effort.

April, 2016


50h 0m

Finished a damn good playthrough getting most of the optional stuff.

March, 2016

30h 0m

Beat it, got most the stuff, but couldn't be bothered to 100%.

February, 2016


10h 0m

Took a good run at this one but ran out of steam. I'll get back to it.

10h 0m

Got a little ways in but moved on. Will play it through eventually. Was in my backlog for 4 years, 3 months.
Started but lost track of it.

January, 2016


30h 0m

Completed 100% with no help from any sources and enjoyed every second. Very proud of my performance on this one.

20h 0m

Lost interest eventually. Will probably return to it at some point.

10h 0m

Got through the main game, didn't feel the need to do much else.

Revisiting an old childhood favorite. Maybe the first time I played through all the episodes.

15h 0m

Revisited on PS4. Got all the trophies.