December, 2016


2h 0m

Played a bit but got jammed up in the intro. Will revisit. Was in my backlog for 2 years, 8 months.

5h 0m

Didn't play enough before getting sidetracked. Been on my mind since.

10h 0m

Played I think about halfway through this but lost interest. Will return to it. Was in my backlog for 0 years, 4 months.

5h 0m

Played a little of this. Should get back to it someday, will probably do the whole series. Was in my backlog for 0 years, 4 months.

30h 0m

Got quite a ways in and enjoyed it but must have gotten sidetracked. Will probably have to start over when I get back to it.

November, 2016


10h 0m

Played a lot and had a good time.

10h 0m

Gave it a real shot but it was just too janky to see through. I could see myself giving it another shot.

50h 0m

Main-pathed it. Was in my backlog for about 3 years, 6 months.

October, 2016

Played quite a bit of this. Was in my backlog for 0 years, 8 months.

September, 2016


Couldn't get through it. Maybe I'll try again someday but not too interested yet.

5h 0m

Played just a bit of this before losing interest. Will try again at some point. Was in my backlog for 2 years, 9 months.

10h 0m

Got a ways in before being sidetracked. Will get back to it at some point. I beat the first one after all. Was in my backlog for 0 years, 5 months.
Had been waiting for the right time for this one. Was in my backlog for about 3 years.

August, 2016


5h 0m

Stumbled through it but didn't feel the need to do any more.

30h 0m

Got pretty far but my enthusiasm dried up and I got distracted by other stuff. Was in the backlog for 2 months.

20h 0m

Played some after setting up the drums again to go through all the RB/GH games.

5h 0m

Went through the single-player mode.

July, 2016


5h 0m

Honestly did give this a fair shot but good lord ...

25h 0m

Did pretty much everything, I must be close to 100%. Should check.

20h 0m

Got all the way through this impossibly long game.

20h 0m

Got all scenes/endings/whatever. Did everything.

June, 2016


30h 0m

Got pretty far into this but got distracted. Might have to start over when I pick it up again, sigh. Was in my backlog for 4 years, 6 months.

3h 0m

Played a teensy bit of it but didn't get hooked. Will go back to it at some point. Was in my backlog for 1 year, 2 months.