Masterpiece. Levels are super quick and finding the perfect route through them is the right level of challenge and very rewarding. Story is insanely bad but sorta wraps back around to being good again.

Criminally underplayed. A wonderful tough but fair puzzle game.

Puzzle game masterpiece. Anyone who loved Stephen's Sausage Roll or Snakebird should pick this up for sure

It is trippy and unique and I liked it. I definitely think it was a bit too hard for me and I was not going to put in the hours needed to actually become great at it and win.

It was quite fun. It was really short and mostly easy but I thought it was a great use of an evening.

It was so poorly made in so many ways. The graphics and camera controls felt like a Gamecube game. It lagged frequently. Every single minigame was trash, especially picnicking / sandwich making. The interiors of most (but not all!?) buildings were just menus rather than actually rendered locations.
HOWEVER, the classic Pokemon collecting and battling were fun, even top notch. The enemies used smarter strategies than usual. The finding and catching Pokemon in the open was a huge step up for collecting. There were way more bosses to fight than usual which I thought was an improvement. It was easy but it is a kids game after all. The story was above average.
Overall, pretty good. Glad I played it. Definitely not one to skip if you are a fan of the series. Worth ignoring all the technical issues.

It was a total ripoff of Pokemon but Pokemon is great and it was a high quality ripoff. There were a few things that annoyed me about the game but overall I enjoyed my time with it.

An interesting little time loop game. I thought it would be puzzley-er than it was, but I enjoyed it and binged almost the whole thing in one night.

Fun but kind of an odd card acquisition model that I don't love

This is bargain bin Portal. If you are like me and your favorite game of all time is Portal and you cannot get enough of first person puzzle platformers, this game will scratch that itch.
Is it good? No. It is not. Is it passable? I guess.
I will say, people were frustrated with the later levels with monsters which I thought were mediocre levels, but they weren't quite as painful as I expected based on the reviews I had read.

The plot was bizarre and depressing and tedious. I wish this had been a pure first person puzzler and had not been overstuffed with this mediocre narrative element. Puzzles were fun. Would still tentatively recommend to hardcore first person puzzle enthusiasts like myself.

It is a great implementation of the game. Having said that, Magic has a terrible mana system that frequently decides games in an unsatisfactory way and this implementation has super predatory pricing.

Just horrible. It was so buggy and laggy it was barely playable and even if that was all fixed, it still would have been a mediocre Diablo ripoff.

Great concept well executed. If pinball metroidvania sounds like something you would like, this is a must-try.

Fun but a tiny bit too repetitive for me.