Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II was written by people who hate Star Wars. That's why it's so good.

What I really respect about this one is how much it doesn't care for the rules of open world game design. You want a big map with 500 side quests and customizable everything? Piss off, we have an important story to tell and you're following it, so drive this F****ng car right now.

This series does not deserve to be forgotten, like it mostly has been. Excellent shooter with a really fun story. You may find it funny, you may not, but the fps fundamentals it's built on are rock solid.

That feeling when you're five levels deep, and you just realized you screwed yourself over with the build, so now you have to start over with a different character. Still very fun and atmospheric after all these years, but you'll probably be playing Diablo II for the rest of your life, and this one will remain a curiosity despite being a classic.

I love Remedy, I was ready to love this one too. But I was not ready for the combat to be this terrible, and the writing and atmosphere not being good enough to save it. I am also getting kind of tired of that Remedy post modern meta narrative thing they always do, with the writer of the story being a stand in for the writer of the game. " Huge author wants to follow up his massive crime series with a horror novel, but it takes over his life", how about you just write a good book Sam - I mean Alan.

Take that glossy, jazzy ps1 aesthetic and inject it straight into my veins.

River wide, but ocean deep entry into the tactical espionage genre personified only by this series. The final hour or so contains like three climaxes, but the japanese have this proclivity for operatic story telling, that western devs are often times scared to approach, so respect for that.

This game is surprisingly beloved online, and while I found it to be alright, I genuinely don't know where that's coming from. I guess it was good enough for them to make a movie out of it, I should check that out.

It had shooting? And urban crime tropes, but I forgot everything right after I played it , which is saying a lot, because it's total runtime is about an hour and a half.

Surprisingly good for what it is.

So I played this in tandem with Second Sight, just to see which game about being a psychic super soldier holds up better, and surprisingly, it's not even a contest. Just a loud, stupid action game about flinging enemies away with psi powers, this is the ultimate in psx trash. This game us just nu metal personified.

One of best Ubisoft games; buried by it's publisher.

A great conclusion to the series. Ditches the nordic depression for over the top Die Hard-esque action catharsis. The airport scene.

I really wanted to play this, because I found the cover art so fascinating as a child; almost looks like a horror game. It is not, and the slightly cartoonish art style undercuts whatever serious beats the story is trying to hit, but there is no denying that this is a cult classic for a reason.

The gameplay has not aged well at all, guys. In fact if you were born after this was released, just don't play it. The 80's kitsch vibe and soundtrack are 10/10 though, so the rating was tough to figure out.