This game has no business being this good. Every single level is unique with extremely fun gimmicks to exploit the perfect movement system and an actually good story. Kinda sad that Apex Legends indirectly killed any interest on a future sequel.

Absolute beast of a game. Makes you realize this is what the game industry should look nowadays, complex games that favor player creativity and simulation of real life.
You can't really write a review on everything on it, but believe me when I tell you that once you get pass the UI (which is frankly terrible, but a price you pay to get to the diamond inside this game) you will discover a world so vast, so rich, so alive and full of posibilities. Words fail to describe the absolute liberty you have in this game, and the complete randomness in which your story will shape.
And example from a fortress I ran a couple of months ago: Everything started nice, made my dwellings by excavating on the floor because I couldn't find a mountain that was sturdy enough. Anyway, after a couple of seasons ingame (2-3 years) I indirectly angered the local rhesus macaque monkey population, which resulted in an invassion by close to 50 monkeys to my hold. What followed was a massacre to the monkey population, with dwarves using them as flails when alive, and then as axes when they splintered their bodies, and finally throwable objects once their limbs got removed. After that, two or three seasons later I got invaded AGAIN but this time by gray langurs. Another massacre ensued, with my dwarfs getting enough bone and leather to craft wealth for the traders to buy.
And then I got invaded by a collection of weremonkey men and werecamel men with dresses full of coins as weapons that completely fucked up my hold and bit the few survivors, guaranteeing a breakout of werecamels and weremonkeys in the zone for generations. And at that point I had to restart.

I don't joke when I say thins: You are missing out your favorite game by not playing this.

This game made me realize how much I need a sloppy toppy from a wench in a skirt.

The Michale Graves Misfits era of the Prince of Persia Games.

Play it for a week, forget about its existence for 3 years and then replay it for a week ad infinitum.
It's not that bad guys

I was going to give it 4 stars but the final song that served as the slideshow was so fucking good and so full of charm I just needed to give it five stars.
A labor of love, this game must be the most well made CRPG I have played. Almost everything I found boring or weird about Wasteland 2 is gone, replaced with pure charm and well tought mechanics. Not once did I think "that doesn't make sense" or "that quest is so boring". The story might not have blown my mind but it's incredibly well tought with lots and lots of layers of complexity and freedom of choice. A must play for CRPG lovers, if you ask me.

I really loved the story, but I completely understand why people hate this. Definetely not the game to use as a medium. Everything about it is fun, but the sum of its part make a really weird experience overall


A friend of mine with no PC used to come to my house during high school to play this game and one time he was in the final boss (with keyboard and mouse because I hated his fucking greasy hands and didn't want him to use the PS2 controller) he was getting ridiculously mad because he kept failing and dying so he decided the best course of action was to kick my PC with the brand-new Nvidia 9500gt straight through the window I made for it, breaking half the stuff I had inside and almost getting electrocuted. Needless to say I didn't get paid for that display of manhood and had to spend to repair my card (and hdd) out of my own pocket. He still comes to my house from time to time but I tend to disconnect any piece of electronics in the room where he's at.
I didn't play the game because I was too ocuppied passing Shadow of the Colossus in the PS2 while he played so the score comes from my anger of getting my first PC destroyed because of that fucking blue thing (sonic and the boss)

Can't take these games seriously the moment I see an anime dude with Mickey Mouse or goofy my mind races to those porn comics about Fred Flintstone fucking Marge Simpson or shit like that

The only Crash game I played. I refuse to let my view of the franchise be changed by actual quality

Games for terminally ill anime consumers

An amazing journey, tough I think it's best played just after you finished high school. Played it in the summer after finishing and connected with me on a very personal level. There's just nothing in this that I don't love, from the characters to the gameplay and the way it presents the story. The music is an absolute banger always, too. Thank god I finished it quickly because if not I would have ran to the nearest tattoo shop and got an "always by your side" piece on my arm

Not really my cup of tea. The story is definetely good, but I just prefer Revelations more to this one. Maybe because I first experienced it offline? I'll never know, it just doesn't grip me as much as the other expansion/stand-alone. I still can see everything that does EXTREMELY well, and the little sewer/dungeons of the wolf clan are a blast to play.
If you already played 2, you will love this one