This game feels like happiness to me. It's like the smile of the person you love in the form of a cartridge.
Whenever I think of the little funky star dude I just get awestruck. I can't believe of any other game of that era that makes me feel like this, a mix of warmth and relaxation. When a family member stole my Genesis for a quick buck for cigarettes I remember that I cried a lot because I felt that a door closed to me because of, frankly, loosing my one true friend. Sadly, I can't really go back to the old games of that era but the image I have of Ristar is burned in my mind, possibly forever. I like to think that when I have to shut off the lights I will still remember him.
Not even Sonic which I played religiously gets close to Ristar in regards to the love I feel for him. When I play modern games I tend to get fond of the characters I play/interact with, but not a single game has come even close to staying rent free in my head quite like Ristar.

Honestly, I'm tired of people "defending" Ubisoft titles with saying you shouldn't expect. I imagine that making a game for this company must begin with about societal issues, developing the idea and gameplay around it, and then decide at the last that you need to lobotomize the story while leaving everything exactly as it is.
It's like playing a heavily researched, near 1:1 visual representation of the rape of Nanking but with every single asian character without distinction of nationality looking like a japanese racist charicature supeakingu rike dis! and making the main villain an Unit 731 japanese joker


One of the best examples of build games and retro fps revivals. Everything about this is of the highest quality and pedigree, and so mechanically tight and interesting you'll feel back in 97-98 playing the originals for the first time. Still amazed the whole experience is like 90 mbs.

I didn't get the achievement for looking at 2B ass so I can say with confidence that I'm a feminist ally

Incredibly fun game that decides that backtracking without a map is fun. I got my bearins pretty quickly but man this game doesn't want you to know where you at. And I can understand that can be compelling and entertaining, but in this case it's just frustrating

REALLY solid horror game that can be beat in a single sitting if you don't run from the scream. Has some "extra" stuff added to the horror elements that are best experienced going in blind

A truly disgusting experience from start to finish, an actual commendation for this case since K&L2 manages to surpass the original (a pretty mediocre "squad" shooter about heists fucking up and you having to haul ass to escape the fallout) by becoming basically a snuff film simulator.
The idea of contextualizing the whole game as a found footage is honestly brilliant and full of little details, like the way it censors the corpses of the enemies you kill via headshot. I remember watching that trailer that was just them running naked, covered in blood and running away from police and police dogs (an actual mission in the game, and a macabre one) and Lynch killing one with a tray from a fast food place and feeling completely blown away by it. The way this game captures the grease and disgust of both the protagonists and the setting. There are segments in this game that the camera isn't covered in blood, but filth and grime, making you feel truly disgusted.
Coming from a game that gave it's protagonists barebones motivations and personalities, playing Lynch in the sequel feels like playing an actual criminal. His "insanity" used in K&L1 to make him look like a monster is now recontextualized here as another crack in a broken man trying to live his life in the only way he knows, finding love in the process and dooming it to fail in a world of crime and perversion.
Overall, an incredibly interesting story about two horrible people doing horrible things to others and in turn receiving an even worse treatment for it. You will feel uncomfortable playing it, lost and nauseated by most of the maps, but frankly that's a really admiring thing to aspire to do and actually pulling out. If you can get past the "meh" shooting (sidenote: I barely use shotguns in most tps or modern military shooters because I find it really boring, but this game managed to get me to play it almost always favoring the semi automatic shotgun over assault rifles) you'll find an actual hidden gem.

It's like all the Cramps albums fused into a game

This game.
This fucking game.
As cool as drunk driving and much more fun. I have nothing to say about Metal Slug X, if you don't like it you're a soulless being

Fucking Warband. A mercernary company/kingdom simulator.
Not much to say here, absolute banger in all aspects, and with an obscene number of mods and conversions at your disposal. You should play this game at some point in your life, or wait until Bannerlord is out of early access. You will play it a couple of hours at first and then devote your whole life to it, trust me

Extremely enjoyable hack and slash Berserk adaptation. This beats the Dinasty Warrior clone in every aspect despite being 12 years older than Band of the Hawk, hacking enemies to pieces feels incredible and the rpg elements feel tought for it instead of a by-the-numbers formula. You can actually feel the weight of the Dragon Slayer when Guts uses it.
I don't know how emulators handle this one, but it's worth a try