Fun game, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Three Houses. Story did get more interesting towards the end but its overall pretty basic, gameplay in general is definitely an improvement though.

An excellent finale to a story that has been built up for a long time. Glad I played this and Shadowbringers back to back as I feel like it enhanced the experience. As someone who thinks a lot about the future and why we are here in the first place the story really hit home for me, so many moments where characters would say something and it would make my eyes teary, I dont think I have ever experienced something with the power to do that so many times with just WORDS. FF14 as a whole just has some of the most beautifully written dialogue that its going to change my perspective on how I view dialogue going forward. Fantastic game.

First time finishing any version of ff1 and first time finishing a ff game from the pixel era, really enjoyed it although somewhat boring at times but its understandable, its the first ff after all. Other than the font which is fixable with mods, its a good version.

This was okay. If I didnt play it in co-op I probably would have gotten sick of it quick. This game is basically the end of RE4 but on steroids and for the whole game. Fun co-op game but other than that its meh.

After spending the past month playing all of Remedys games (minus Quantum Break), I have to say this is the best one. Story was mind bending and thought provoking, gameplay was much better than AW1, settings were fantastic. In AW1 the forest setting got boring pretty quick with how drawn out the levels were so they took that and just added much more variety, Alans takes place in New York so if you get sick of the forest with Saga just swap to Alan, but even with Saga in the forest theres just much more variety, from your usual spooky woods to an amusement park and hospital theres just so much more in this game to enjoy. Cant wait to see whats next for Remedy as I really look forward to both the Max Payne remakes and Control 2.

One of my favourites that ill always return to

3 years after and over 240 hours played I have now finished world of Light, pretty good but I think I speak for everyone when I say more cutscenes with characters interacting would have been much better.

A game full with missed potential and shortcomings but damn did I still love it anyway. While there should have been a LOT more things to do in Night City I never got sick of just driving around and taking in the vibe. Story was okay but the characters and side content sold it

One of my favourite games of all time, never gets old.

The most a game has made me cry since FF14: Shadowbringers. For a game that was made in 6 months and is meant to be a much shorter game (even being compared to the Kaito Files) I will say it exceeded my expectations. The amount of side content is much more than I expected with the Coliseum alone being the best its ever been in the entire series. If you were disappointed in how they handled Kiryus "sendoff" in Yakuza 6 then this game should definitely satisfy you. I love these damn games.

It was WAY better then I was expecting. The story was really good that introduced characters I hope appear in the next game. Gameplay wise Kaito's sadly a rehash of Y0 Kiryu with some tweaks and there are no substories but the story makes up for it.

Havent played this since I was a kid so it was a real blast of nostalgia. Great platformer that incorporates stealth into things, really fun game. My one complaint would be the mini game levels, I didnt enjoy them.

Definitely going in my top 5 ps2 games 100%. The game was a great mix of horror and action it also had great atmosphere and sound design which elevates how tense you can feel. The only part I disliked was the Island, just think it goes on for a bit too long.

Two very solid 2.5D platformers, must play for people into the genre. I did prefer the first game as I feel its more focused on what its trying to do and it has a better end game but I really liked 2 as well and that final level was challenging

This is an interesting one, theres a lot of little things about this game that I dont like and just bring the experience down for me and I just could not get into the story much.. until chapter 7. I really liked it by the end but I prefer 1 a lot more.