Feels like the first grand FF story and the point where they started working out how to do proper characters. Great game and a must play for any FF fan.

What can i even say. I had played OG FF7 once before Remake came out and when it did Remake became one of my favourite games ever and truly made me appreciate the world of FF7 to the point where I have now played OG FF7 3 times since then + watched 2 full playthroughs, have watched AC a good number of times, have played both OG Crisis Core and Reunion a few times, have played Dirge and watched Before Crisis. I used to consider FF10 as my favourite but I have truly learned to fall in love with the world of 7 and its characters since 2020 thanks to Remake really sending me down the rabbit hole.

Remake was a fantastic game but Rebirth is a much better game where its just improvements over improvements. Combat has been tweaked to flow better with additions that simply just make sense like the synergy stuff, the hallways that plagued past FF titles like 10, 13 and 7R are a thing of the past as the level design is much more open and invites you to look around. If you liked Remake you will definitely enjoy this game too, while some of the new story stuff may be off putting to some, it doesnt take away from how wonderfully the original story beats and characters come to life like you've never seen before.

The only thing that sucks about this game is that now the wait starts all over again for part 3 which we probably wont get our hands on for another 3 - 4 years.

After spending the past month playing all of Remedys games (minus Quantum Break), I have to say this is the best one. Story was mind bending and thought provoking, gameplay was much better than AW1, settings were fantastic. In AW1 the forest setting got boring pretty quick with how drawn out the levels were so they took that and just added much more variety, Alans takes place in New York so if you get sick of the forest with Saga just swap to Alan, but even with Saga in the forest theres just much more variety, from your usual spooky woods to an amusement park and hospital theres just so much more in this game to enjoy. Cant wait to see whats next for Remedy as I really look forward to both the Max Payne remakes and Control 2.

Only really played this so I could go into Alan Wake 2 without missing anything and im glad I did. Story was pretty good and the kind to get you using your mind a bit (although could be confusing towards the end), atmosphere and art design was really good, and gameplay was decent although got repetitive since at the end of the day it boiled down to shoot, throw, shoot, throw. Wish they removed enemy encounters altogether after you take them out the first time, since the game has randomly timed missions that pop up people could use that if they wanna go shoot stuff, having enemies respawn as you enter a room trying to do something made the combat feel more repetitive than it was.

Overall solid game though, looking forward to finally playing Alan Wake 2

Good game although I feel like some parts dragged on a bit too long (mainly Chapter 3 and 6) and the combat was a bit funky, definitely carried by its story which is quite good although a bit confusing.

One of the best fights in the game and this is the SMALL dlc, cant wait for the second one.

Way better than I was expecting considering the hate for this game I see, definitely has its issues but I thoroughly enjoyed going through this game.

The most a game has made me cry since FF14: Shadowbringers. For a game that was made in 6 months and is meant to be a much shorter game (even being compared to the Kaito Files) I will say it exceeded my expectations. The amount of side content is much more than I expected with the Coliseum alone being the best its ever been in the entire series. If you were disappointed in how they handled Kiryus "sendoff" in Yakuza 6 then this game should definitely satisfy you. I love these damn games.

I have very fond memories of this game but unfortunately with the wonky jumping, the stupid save system and the quite punishing 100% requirements I just feel theres no point in playing this version (outside of curiosity) when the N. Sane version exists which fixes all of its problems.

Decent for gacha game standards and while I do enjoy it, I just cant see myself sticking with it long term due to how grindy it is to access story content which is what I care for the most since gameplay is pretty brain dead. Will probably continue consuming this as a YouTube series just like KHUX.

If this game has told me anything its that we absolutely need more classic jrpg inspired indie games.

Sea of Stars is a great tribute to the classics, from its beautiful pixel art to its catchy music id highly recommend this one for fans of the genre. While I did enjoy Sea of Stars story, unfortunately the characters just weren't it for me, while the game does introduce interesting characters later on the first 3 you start with (aka the main characters) were so bland that I couldn't form any connection to them which really hindered the story for me. They react to things so generically and have barely any personality that they really needed to go back to the drawing board for the main leads.

Gameplay is really fun and addictive with the interactivity keeping you engaged for quite a while.. until it doesnt. Each character only has 3 abilities which can get pretty repetitive for some people, they really needed to give more abilities (5 minimum) and space unlocked them out more evenly.

Despite my complaints though this game is really solid and the fact I still enjoyed it as much as I did should say a lot, hopefully for this teams next RPG venture they iron out these things as they know how to make a game with a lot of charm.

Good step in the right direction from FF13, while level design can still be a bit claustrophobic its not just walk straight anymore. Each area acts as a hub where you progress the story, do side quests, fight monsters, I really liked the gameplay loop of this one compared to the previous.

Really liked Serah and Noels dynamic but I do wish there was a third character along for the ride, mainly cause i wasnt that big on the monster capture system and would have much preferred just having a proper third character. Also this soundtrack to this game was amazing, one of the best in the series.

I really wanted to like this game but the longer I played the harder it was to keep going. The story doesn't really explain everything clearly and the characters I found hard to care much about, except Sazh he was my favourite. I found the combat fun at first but after about 10 - 15 hours it just got boring since combat just boils down to shifting to the paradigm that beat suits the situation and spamming auto attack. Boring combat mixed with the corridor level design while also not finding the story interesting really made this game a slog to get through, but I'm glad I decided to finally play it for myself. Really hoping 13-2 is better.

While there are some questions that arent answered this is a great conclusion to the Klaus Trilogy and just a nice DLC in general. I do find myself wanting more as I really wanted to spend more time with Shulk, Rex and all the new characters I feel like that just says how much I enjoyed. Can't wait to see what the future of Xenoblade has in store.

An excellent finale to a story that has been built up for a long time. Glad I played this and Shadowbringers back to back as I feel like it enhanced the experience. As someone who thinks a lot about the future and why we are here in the first place the story really hit home for me, so many moments where characters would say something and it would make my eyes teary, I dont think I have ever experienced something with the power to do that so many times with just WORDS. FF14 as a whole just has some of the most beautifully written dialogue that its going to change my perspective on how I view dialogue going forward. Fantastic game.