Worse than the main story in every way still made me laugh

okay has a few fun refrences but the overal gunplay is very amateur and not very satisfying

THe ultimate culmination of everything dragon quest has been building to for the past 35 years

Weirdly well written and voice acted

Really gorey and just overal fun with an excpetional story to boot

Would be worse than 2 and 2016 if it didnt include all their levels in one place but overall still very fun

Some of the best stealth gameplay I've ever experienced. Story gets genuinely scary towards the end

A pretty fun little action game but far from the true RPG immersive sim world they promised

Worse than hm1 in terms of gameplay but better in terms of story

i have over 90 hours so i guess its a little fun

Best zelda game made even better

Dumb fun and nothing more but thats far from a bad thing and i doubt ill ever get sick of it

Exceptional in terms of music, story and especially gameplay

Really great in the beginning but just kinda drones on ad on and on and on and on towards the end