Elden Ring is a game that did something for me. I'm not the biggest fan of open-world games, I don't hate them but it's also not my favorite genre of games. This game captured the perfect sense of exploration and excitement while having one of the most interesting fictional worlds out there. It combines multiple aspects of what makes me love video games and does them to perfection. Even tho it's my favorite of all time I still think there is room for improvement, dungeons are the biggest thing that can be improved. I don't think they are bad, my issue with them is that in the early game, they are too short and usually give little to no rewards which can be a bummer. When it comes to any major complaints? I have NIHIL.

My 2nd favorite in the series is right behind Elden Ring. This game simply masters the atmosphere and makes the world of Bloodborne feel so unique. Weapons and music are amazing and the whole cosmic horror reveal is amazing but I think the whole game takes a dip in quality in the 2nd half of the base game, areas, bosses, weapons, and NPCs are just not as good and as much as I want to give this game 5 stars I just don't enjoy the 2nd half nearly as much. It's still one of the best games I have ever played and a certified classic.

Probably the best DLC ever made, well until Shadow of the Erdtree that is.

Steaming pile of shit that is carried by playing with a friend. Also, Wesker is great.

God-tier bosses, music, and lore but some of the most disappointing level design. This just makes me sad...

Lacks any sense of exploration compared to other fromsoft games. The combat system while amazing just doesn't work when fighting multiple enemies, it feels very clunky in that regard. Bosses are amazing but level design left a lot to be desired besides a few outliers.

Simply a perfect game. I have 0 issues with it.

Definition of mediocre. Survival mechanics are just not there and it has some of the worst gunplay I have seen in a video game. Fun with homies but that's not hard to achieve.


Amazing idea with horrible execution.

This is not a video game, it's a second job. Fuck this game! Dinosaurs are cool tho.

I wish areas were longer. Bosses were amazing tho.

What do you get when your fighting game plays like shit? You get a shitty game.

One of the best games ever made but also a very flawed game as well. It's my 3rd favorite and it's masterful at what it does right.

I was more disappointed with this game than my parents were with me.

Very close to a perfect platformer.