95 reviews liked by DashDash

I liked the art design but didn't like much else in this game.

The art design of Columbia is great! Completely different from Bioshock 1 & 2 but it's very unique and holds up over a decade later. That's probably the only aspect of this game I really liked without complaints.

The gameplay is nothing like the previous Bioshock games, it can be described as an arena shooter in the same vein as Doom Eternal in terms of its combat, where It emphasizes movement and long distance combat in an enclosed space. I think it can be good on paper, but the elements that make up the combat drag down the whole system.

Combat feels like it doesn't take advantage of the new vigor system enough due to arenas being HUGE now. Medium and long range combat is much safer and reliable than getting up close with vigors and close range weapons like the shotgun or crank gun. Even when indoors it feels like you really don't have any defensive options besides cover until you get Return to Sender, which you only get in the 2nd half of the game. Build variety could've been really cool to encourage but since you're limited to only two weapons it's a huge risk to take something like the shotgun over the carbine.

While Bioshock 1 and Infinite have completely different designs, in 1 you had flexibility in what you specialize in; you could focus on shock + melee, or misdirect enemies with enrage or target dummy, etc, and there were enough weapon upgrade stations to drastically improve weapons you enjoy using. Infinite lets you upgrade weapons and vigors using a universal currency, which could've worked best in a game that prioritized resource management, which Infinite is definitely not. You end up with less opportunities for upgrades to both vigors and weapons unless you solely focus on one category. Gear in Infinite is a great example of the problems with simplifying the tonic system 1 had. It's harder to justify running a niche gear modifier when you only have 4 slots compared to the 18 you got in 1.

Skyhooks would seem like a good addition since they let you enhance your mobility and give you a new way to attack enemies, but how they function and their quirks really drag them down. Shooting while riding a skyline feels unviable since you just jerked around when you aren't at a full stop, though it was fun doing quick attacks using the volley gun or the RPG. Quick use of the skylines or freighthooks feels impossible since the camera will try to center(?) before you can freelook, which makes doing quick traversal or skyline strikes a pain.

The tear system is kinda cool but it feels like it doesn't add that much to the combat, since the most you can hope for is some cover or a new weapon when ammo runs low. Spawning companions is interesting since they have a more meaningful change to combat, taking some of the pressure off temporarily. Overall it doesn't do much to make combat more dynamic.

When you do use vigors it feels like their uses overlap, since crows, shock, and bucking bronco are all just different ways of damaging and stunning enemies. Patriots and handymen show how limiting the vigor system is since the only two vigors worth using on them is possession or shock jockey.

The enemies you have to fight with this combat system don't do it many favors as well. Enemy variety is pretty lacking, with only really 3 types of basic enemies you'll be fighting for most the game, and 2 of those you'll only see very rarely. Patriots are a pushover since you can just spam shock jockey and get behind them, handymen are similar since if you don't shock stun them you'll have to deal with the screenshake they induce that makes it impossible to aim (Why is there no option to disable combat screenshake?).

Generally I just didn't like the combat, it's elements either didn't mesh well together or made combat feel bad.

Story is just alright, it's a multiverse story before they became popular so it's not impossible to understand but they don't do the best job at explaining the rules of this world. Nothing remarkable really.

I wouldn't recommend this game unless you REALLY liked Bioshock 1 & 2 and are OK with it being a completely different take on the Bioshock design, flaws and all.

Enter the gungeon if it were a good game

Me putearon en 3 idiomas diferentes mientras habia porno sprayteado en las paredes



Bug, we're less than a week away from the release of your new movie, the biggest movie of your career. Something that could possibly catapult you to become Sega's mascot for their newest console, how are you fe-

The Bug suddenly throws his hand in front of the interviewer's face to stop them as he basks in the cheering of his adoring fans

....."Finally..... The Bug has come back to Miasmi!"

Crowd roars with thunderous cheering

"Well, The Bug is here. The biggest breakout star of the next generation. The Bug has finished his latest movie, his latest movie that will sweep the entire nation and launch the Sega Saturn to peaks not known by bugkind, bugkind that will remember to shout The Bug's name unlike our moronic interviewer here. Hollywood can hardly contain their panties at the thought of The Bug or his lovely singing voice. The Bug however, hears doubt. Doubt from his usual critics who can't handle going only north, south, east, or west of their fat monkey asses. He hears doubt that The Bug can carry such an illustrious task as to lead the charge and take the fight to the Sony Playstation and kick it's sorry grey bandicoot-lovin' ass. They doubt the greatness of the Sega Away Team, and simply call them the "Sega Buffet Team". They doubt the words of Stephen Hillenburg, Steven Gielberg or whatever that jabroni's name is. Interviewer, do you know what their name is?"

It's Ste-


Crowd cheers and chants "BUG! BUG! BUG!"

"The Bug says this. The Bug doesn't need validation. The Bug doesn't need approval by crybabies who don't know how to move on a simple four-way grid, and The Bug sure as hell don't need to hear comparisons of him to some jabroni named... "Gex"?! Who in the blue hedgehog hell is that?! He is nothing, The Bug's cellphone rang up. It was nothing, they said they knew him. He's probably eating Chex with a big glass of milk, all while crying about his ex at his mama's house. They're over here shoving chicken mcnuggets straight up their ass while yelling "tail time". Why don't you give The Bug a huge favor, and whip yourself up a nice big glass of "shut up, bitch" juice?! If that tongue-tied D-lister has a problem with The Bug calling it as he sees it, then The Bug can personally give him directions to the Smackdown Roach Hotel. The Bug is gonna take him down Know Your Role Boulevard, The Bug is gonna hang that right at Jabroni Drive. The Bug's gonna take off his size two-and-three quarters boot, he's gonna shine it up real nice, turn that sum-bitch sideways and stick it straight up his chicken-lovin' candy ass!!"

Grabs the mic from interviewer


cue theme music

I love playing with my friends' worms :) Sometimes they play with my worms :)

I ate an ungodly amount of Subway so I could play the multiplayer beta. I have no regrets

she remake my system till I shock [EXTREMELY LOUD SHODAN EMAIL]

it's astonishing how AVGN actually made this look better than it is in his video and he made it look like the worst thing ever

we don't talk about the hold this game had on me in middle school

Minecraft is a hit and miss. Some may stay away from it entirely from being clueless or get attached to it entirely. The first time experience is what matters a lot. Whenever you do play the game other times, it will be the most boring experience you've had in a year.

The developers release content one by one instead of one huge chunk at later times, the game doesn't feel fresh at all comparison to other games getting updates. Players end up being burnout every time.

This is still a good game for first time players but becomes mediocre over time.