This was the multiplayer I remembered most as a kid. It was raw, it was vehicles, it was really like a battlefield competitor. I loved the class system and shotguns weren't overpowered, but fun for noobs.

Nostalgic for me, This was the first ever Teen rated game I played. My cool aunt bought it for me as a birthday present. I tore through the campaign so quickly but I wasn't allowed to play online at that time, so that was it. But going back years later I still love the simplicity of this all. It truly was a "game" no crazy meta's, no annoying fanbases of tryhards, just gamers having fun. Those were the days

I actually don't mind the smaller maps, different dice, and quicker matches. I think it lends itself better to not pissing everyone but the winner off (more so than previous titles at least)

Game is goofy in many ways but a really goofy good time to play with others.

Who doesn't love throwing and breaking things, then ragdolling around everywhere?

Better than the first game, This sequel was one of the coolest games to me when it came out. great time mowing down zombies with the lads

One of the best ways to spice up soccer

King of Split-Screen Shooters growing up.

Get this and 3 mates to come over and you'll have the best of times.

Campaign was pretty good too

Swordplay, Wakeboarding, Frisbee, Archery, Basketball, Table Tennis, Golf, Bowling, Power Cruising, Canoeing, Cycling, Air Sports.

Still played at our household once a year (around christmas)

The best art design in a game I've ever experienced.

The vintage style paired with the vintage game difficulty is an exciting choice. I loved just beating a boss simply just to see what the next one looked like

I don't remember any of the maps...
but I do remember the minigame where you count toads on the train. that was pretty legit. I hated them extra stars tho

I like the dreamy vibe of the maps, but pretty forgettable minigames tbh

The mic thing is annoying as hell, but pretty decent mini games and very vibe-y maps

Amazing game if you like a chill racer, pretty good if you suck at racers, glad I didn't pay for all that dlc tho

Good Maps
Great Minigames
Bullshit Stars at the end of the game to piss of your friends
And so much MORE!