I'm so glad that Sony decided too release this gem on PC as well. Great balance of story, challenging battles and some decent puzzles. So hyped for Ragnarök!

Extraction shooters are a great concept, and Tarkov was the first one i ever played. I used too love this game, but it's only really fun if you can no life the shit out of it. Playing it for 1-2 hours a day just isn't enough, and you will fall behind and get shit on by people with better gear later in the wipe. Game has a serious cheating problem. Netcode is also dogshit. If they fix those 2 things, and maybe add some kind off loadout system where you can just buy all the shit you need for the next raid with one click it could be so much better. And i understand the game is meant too be harcore, but so many missions are just not doable in a short amount of time. Even the weekly quests are so stupid, yeah for sure im gonna do 100 raids on the same map in 7 days. Fuck off Nikita.

You know, there are always those people that don't really play video games except GTA. And well, for those people you can really recommend Watch Dogs 2! Game looks great, the story and gameplay are fun. The collectibles are also kinda fun too get. The main characters are a bit too over the top and cringe, but it is kinda okay because the game is not taking itself too serious.

Game could be great, but there is just soo much content missing. It's only 4 dollars, so you can't really complain. It's also made by one guy. Everything feels a bit bare bones, maybe a sequel with some more development and some more money could be really fun.

Activision want's CoD multiplayer dead and i hate too see it. They can't even develop new maps for the multiplayer cause they are too complex too implement into the game. The only stuff that is getting added are dogshit season passes with dogshit looking rewards and either maps ripped out of the campaign or from some old CoD game. It's just so weird, i tried out CoD mobile for a few weeks and the battle pass rewards are just soo much better looking and exciting. And there are a shit ton of maps from all kind of CoD series. Why is it so hard too do the same stuff on PC / console?

In theory a really chill and fun game. For me it did get a little too complex, so at some point it wasn't chill anymore. Also the high scores where stressing me out for whatever reason. You don't even know how to do 98% of what the people in the high score replays are doing, yet you are confronted with it from the first stage.

Probably the best way too scratch you'r Mario Party itch on PC. Couch Coop works great, playing online with friends works great. I always wished for some more content in form of boards and minigames, and what can i say - they introduced steam workshop too fix all of those problems.

Really unique boxing game made by one developer. Probably inspired by Punch Out! Controls takes some getting used too, there is a easier control scheme integrated if you can't get used too it tho. Enemys are challenging and for some of them you really need to think about a solid strategy, cause they are different from each other. Hitting some insane combos is really fun. Would wait for a sale tho, for 15€ it was a bit too expensive imo

So simple but yet so complex, really fun every now and then.

Great little game, was something refreshing and new for me for sure! The characters and the fish you are gonna meet are just weird and make you feel some kind of disgust, while getting you hooked slowly. The core gameplay loop is really fun. Sadly there is something weird with the economy, if you finish the game for like 40-50% your boat will be maxed and than it feels a bit useless too keep fishing (except you want too catch all the rare fish). The plot twist and the multiple endings from the story where entertaining and i didn't see it coming! It has been a few months since i played it, maybe the economy did get better over time.

Played for arround 6 hours with one mate, was a great experience so far. The forest looks INSANE, the caves are always challenging and fun too explore. Building / housing system is decent at this state of the game. There are still a few things that are not that great tho. For example, the melee system feels kinda janky because the hitbox of the first few melee weapons is pretty small. Game also could be a bit harder, apart from the caves there are not too many threats, even on hard difficulty.


The game is just so retarted it's hard too not have fun with a few friends for like 1 hour. For some reason every few months we play 1-2 rounds and stop thinking about it again. But dayum, those 1-2 rounds are always a blast.

Brawl Stars is the only phone game i keep falling in love with for a few months. Last few patches have been great for the players. They have deleted the Brawl Boxes, so there is no RNG in getting the brawlers you want. They also added more ways too gain gold through brawler masterys. And they made most of the skins buyable with a f2p currency. Game in general is just cute and fun for a few rounds a day.

Decent game for like 15-30 minutes a day. If you are in a clan with some friends it can be quite enjoyable. Don't spend money on any offers, maybe buy the gold pass every once in a while. If you just keep playing for a few years you will catch up sooner or later.

Absolute masterpiece. Probably the best metroidvania that i ever played. Amazing boss design, great story, soo many paths too explore. No better feeling than resting on a bench after a tough boss battle.