I think this is a fabulous handheld iteration of Bionic Commando. It has some of my favorite levels and music in the series. It feels a bit flat though. I think the levels in the NES titles are just right in terms of its scale and dynamism. This one has a lot of just long sections of walking in it not helped by the closed in camera. I also think it generally feels worse than the NES game, but it approximates the feel a lot better than other console to Gameboy conversions do. I think it's a great time especially if you like the NES game. Just don't expect anything that really builds on the foundation either.

I think this game is good, but as a remake I don't like it very much. It surpasses the original in areas but I don't think it's all that faithful to it either. I don't like how the game feels so different from the original. I like a lot of the remixed tracks but most of them I prefer the originals, and a lot of the songs feel interchangeable from the other. The visuals are honestly pretty ugly, it doesn't hold up. I think the character portraits really save it, and it has the best designs these characters will probably ever have. I like the more elaborate bosses in this game, but it also has the double edged sword of making end of levels feel more tedious. The writing is hit and miss, just a lot of "oh look I'm a video game" jokes, but some of it is charming.It's definitely the most accessible and polished game in the entire series and I think that's why it gets so much praise. But I dunno, I'd take the original over it any day.

This game is one of those where its greater than the sum of its parts. The game has a ton of issues and a general lack of polish, but it's so fun to me that I don't care. It keeps to the spirit of the franchise. It's an odd game with a really stupid story with engaging mechanics that keep the replay high. It has amazing music. There's some setpieces in this game that are surprisingly great. It achieves an over the top action movie feel without removing control from the player. I love the pacing of it, it really just keeps moving as one continuous experience. A lot of people complain about the narrative, but it rarely rears its head, so I can't say it's a huge issue for me. I'd recommend getting this on PC through a sale if you like action games.

This just has everything I like about smash but refined to a perfect sheen. I think people really focus on the workshop which is a brilliant feature, but I can't stress enough how great the game is aside from that. Every character feels so well balanced while still being fun and unique. The sprite art is so great and it's something I'll miss when going into the sequel. I love how the interesting melee mechanics are actually implemented here on purpose, they feel great here as well. I really like how certain characters can modify their movement with their abilities even effecting their wave dash. This game makes really smart changes to the smash formula that I think makes it better. No ledge grabbing but you can do a second recovery off of a wall jump. I think it makes edge guarding and recovering so much more engaging. Shields being changed to a universal reflect/parry is incredible and makes the experience more aggressive. This also removes the need for grabs which I think is a good thing. It's just a great game that I love picking up and playing once in a while.

This game has a lot of issues for me. I think comparatively to other good Spider-Man games it's not as fun or open. It has the same problems every sony filmic title has where it's too restricting and it wants the player to feel very specific things about it, player expression be damned. The story is often very stupid. The things that happen in it are awesome, but the way it gets there is really annoying at times. That being said, this game absolutely nails being an adaptation of my favorite character of all time. A ton of attention to detail for fans is in it, and like this is absolutely the arkham like spidey game I've always dreamed of. That's all I need from it really.


Doom is just one of those games. It's probably one of the most well designed and intrinsically fun games I've ever played. It has perfect balance and excellent pacing. The enemy design is impeccable with great weapons to murder them with. It has a fundamental understanding of the combat dance you have to do when you play these ganes and why that's endlessly enjoyable. I'm not sure if every level is to my taste, but I can't think of a really awful one either. It's just perfect. Just skip episode 4 though, it's not worth your time.

This one's probably my favorite of the ones I've played. I really love the music and the vibes of the levels. I think the scoring system is really good in this game, like simple to understand but hard to master. This is also one of the easier ones to get into. You can also play as Sakuya, what's not to love about it?

This game is really interesting to me. There was a while where I didn't really care for it all that much. I shelved it and hadn't resume it for like a year. Even when I did, I ran into a lot of frustrations. The experience can be quite tedious sometimes. The controls take a lot of getting used to (and im someone who really stans Mario 64 and early Armored Core). There are a couple of dungeons that are weaker than others.

Leading to the end it was gradually leaving an impression on me. I ended up thinking about it from the angle of when it came out and just how well it holds up for what its trying to be. There is just a lot of great stuff happening here. I love the story and how its about growing up. The game reinforces those themes constantly. Its not the most mind boggling story ever, but its classic and heartfelt. Its great for what it is. The lead up to Ganondorf is incredible, climbing up his dark tower as you hear the organ getting ever closer. The game has a lot of atmosphere. I was taken aback by how a lot of moments were executed. There's a little story for almost everything you do in it that has some sort of satisfying payoff.

I really love a lot of the dungeons in this game. There were some I didn't like in the moment, but they ended up sticking with me in some way, even that infamous Water Temple. They are certainly the highlight in terms of its game design and I really like how quickly you can get to them. A lot of the stuff in the overworld is optional, so you can get to dungeons really quickly whenever you want to, and I really enjoyed that. Might I add that literally every track in this game is wonderful. Its so iconic at this point but it does so much of the heavy lifting for the adventurous feel.

A lot of people say this is the greatest game of all time. I wouldn't say that myself, i'm not even sure I want to play it again and there are a ton of games I prefer over it. But I felt its effect. It tells a story anyone can relate to in a unique way. It feels like I played a timeless fantasy story that holds up to the greats. It isn't perfect, but its delivered with so much gusto. It deserves its praise and it deserves to be remembered

I think this game is both an improvement and somewhat disappointing. This games levels are much better than the first game. They are all varied and have fun things going on in them. I love the soundtrack for this game, the new tracks are really awesome. I think the arena mode is really cool. I got to rank 5 before writing this review, and I really liked how it encouraged me to use different builds depending on the opponent. Getting Arena exclusive rewards was also really nice. This game with the arena mode in mind is overall more polished and fun than the original, its a fun package.

All of this being said, I think the original game and what it was doing with its narrative was a lot more interesting. You had a lot more missions, and your run through the game can be really different depending on what corperation you lean more toward. I think the game has an overall better execution of you being a hired gun to these souless corperations. The mission and mail system make a lot more sense in the original game, and its more fleshed out. The mail system especially is a downgrade, you dont get much of it here, whereas in the original it was always fleshing out the world in interesting ways. The story here is a lot more linear, you are hired to destroy Project Phantasma before another rival mech, Striker, gets to it. This one has more voice acting and cutscenes, and while there are some optional missions, the goal is linear. I would be fine with a linear narrative if it was as interesting as the original, but it really isnt. I like the rivalry you have with Striker, but it isnt really all that interesting either, and it makes the thing you are fighting against more black and white in terms of good and bad.

Id say this game is worth playing if you really liked the first one, but it did disappoint me compared to it. This games core is still really great, I love customizing my mech, I love the momentum based movement and how everything feels heavy. Armored Core is fun no matter how you slice it. Besides the Arena mode, it doesnt really build all that much on the first one, so just keep that in mind.

This is my second playthrough. This time I played the Japanese version titled 'Hebereke'. The only major differences with this version is that two of the character sprites are entirely different including the main character and O'Chan. The names are different, the script is also much better, and theres some stuff uncensored about it. I find the story quite charming and unique for a Famicom game. The rest of the game remains the exact same. Now that I know where everything is I had a blast. This game has an openness that's really refreshing for a Metroidvania. It's simple and really well designed. I love all the unique uses characters can have. The soundtrack was at the right speed this time (when I played the PAL version at 60hz it sped up the soundtrack) and I think it's one of my favorites on NES. I really like how you can optimize picking up health flasks and when to use them, and I died a lot less because of that.

My problems are similar to my first playthrough. The dark area still has this obnoxious section where you spend a million years bombing to floor to hit a light switch. There's also this lava area that feels harder than anything else in the game, I'd recommend save stating here specifically, as it's the only area in the game where you have a risk of instantly dying. I hate that boss you have to fight as Jennifer underwater. I don't really know how else to defeat that other than damage boosting.

This is probably one of my favorite NES titles and I can see myself going back to it as a comfort game. I'm still really excited for that remake, hope it lives up to it!

I've been meaning to play this one for years. I had it on Wii U, but never really got far. The remake was leaked so I decided to finally go through it. I think this game is really interesting and worth your time if you really like the NES. It's doing a lot of stuff that are ahead of its time for a NES Metroidvania. The music and spritework are easily the best part. The world feels really fleshed out and weird because of it. I love the characters, they are so cute! At first I was a bit weary how important each character was to the experience, but as it went on, the game justified all of them pretty well. Bop Louie is the one you wanna play as the most, but the others are useful for specific challenges, sometimes even requiring you to switch characters constantly which was really cool to see. The map is really well done, even when you start at the beginning a lot, there are some great shortcuts that take you across the map that feel rewarding to unlock. It really has that metroidvania feeling of being frustrated with a wall I can't overcome and feeling overjoyed when I get the power up that disposes of it. If you really like the genre then I think it's really worth your time. The caviots are numerous though.

This game has some poor implementation of certain power ups. The fish characters bombs are so slow, and there is a section that requires you to bomb a floor over and over again really slowly to find a light switch. Stuff like that feels really rough and even as an NES game, I feel like there were ways they could've broke the tedium of it. As previously mentioned, the game has the Metroid 1 problem of sending you all the way back at the beginning with very little health every time you die. This usually isn't a bad thing, but there are a couple of sequences where you are a mistake away from instant death. Having to go all the way back and try again is a real pain in the butt. Some of those bosses are also really rough, and kind of convoluted to get a read on. I usually don't like save stating, but I ended up doing it the more and more I played it. This is something I'd also recommend newcomers do, it makes the experience way less tedious when you can instantly restart a challenge. I think the four characters are utilized well, but Shades doesn't get a lot of use, and I wish there was more going on with him gameplay wise.

This game is a real joy to play and even with its issues, I played it all in nearly one sitting. Just understand that it's a bit jack in places and don't be afraid to make your own checkpoints. This game also seems to have a good learning curve, and it's surprisingly open ended, so you can get a lot out of the game. I'm actually really looking forward to the remake of this. The screenshot of it looks really good, and it has the potential to expand on it and fix the issues I had with the original.

Not quite as good as Panzer Dragoon Zwei but it's getting there.

I've always had a passing enjoyment of this game. It's definitely one of the more polished games on the console. The multiple routes give it replayability and the general structure is really well done. Star Fox are really simple characters but immediately identifiable, and they bring a character to it that other rail shooters fail to match. The game is easily learned and retains the same control scheme for every gameplay switch up. The music and sound effects are awesome, and the voices are truly iconic.

I love most of the levels in this game, but there are some pretty big duds, like Aquaris. I think all range mode is fun but it's pretty flawed in its implementation. Trying to turn around or doing a 180 turn is really clunky. The true final boss really sucks, and if it wasn't for the bit after it, the game would've ended poorly.

My N64 wasn't working for a few weeks, so I was extatic when it worked again with another expansion pak. So I decided to just play around with Star Fox 64. All of a sudden I was doing really good. I got a perfect path through to the true ending only losing Slippy at the very end. It felt like all those times I occasionally played the game were finally starting to show fruit and I finally conquered Andross. It was a really cool moment as I was expecting to just turn the game on and play a couple levels. I think this game captures that feeling of mastery really well while focusing on the strengths of Nintendos development style.

Really fun time. I enjoy sonic a lot so seeing the characters interacting in this way was really refreshing. It's nice to see nuance and genuine fun coming out of these characters after so many games of them being blank slates. This and Frontiers gives me hope for the series character writing going forward. That being said this game is a little bloated with dialogue. There's a lot of talking down to the player. There's a lot of obtuse dialogue that felt poorly written and could have been cut down. The ending twist was really weird and I wasn't into it too much, honestly. The mini game where you collect rings becomes more and more of a focus and I think that's the weakest part of the game, it was hard to tell what plain I was on and it was hard to see oncoming projectiles. It also didn't help that I was streaming this and doing voices for the characters, so it became a really exhausting endeavor and was hoping it'd end. If this thing was cut down of its fluff I wouldn't have any issues with it, but as it is now, it was really cool, but I wouldn't wanna play it again. It was also free, so I can't really complain all that much.

This is fresh after my first playthrough, so it might be a little tough to sort out my feelings here. I think in many ways (at least out of the ones I played) this is the absolute peak of the series. It's tough because it stands right there with the original, and I'm not sure which one is better. What I do know is that this game improves so much from the original, and takes out pretty much every section I groaned at. I think the emphasis on exploration is really fun, it opens up the maps quite a bit, especially in the lake section. The enemy design is even better, there's new guys that are just as cool to fight as the returning roster. I think the bosses are overall better probably. The guns are really good and the fact that you can freely cycle through weapons on the fly almost makes this definitive in my head. The new knife stuff is incredibly cool and I really like how it ties into the stories progression. The knife doesn't feel like a crutch or something that changes too much, it feels balanced and as important as the other weapons you use. There are moments that are memorable in their tension and it does a good job approximating how the original felt while enhancing stuff that should be enhanced. The island actually felt like a satisfying finale this time. It was as explosive and silly as the original but it reincorperated more stuff from the whole game in a more satisfying way.

I think my issues in comparison to the original start with the story. Now, I think the new story is quite good in areas. I like Luis, Saddler, Ada and Krauser a lot more. Krauser especially has like my favorite boss fight in the whole series and he felt like a proper rival. I like the notes a lot more here, they do a good job enhancing the world and some of them are good stories in their own right. I do find I miss the tone of the original a lot though. I like Leon and Ashley here, but their relationship feels more forced, I suppose? I like that Ashley is down bad for Leon, but it kinda makes a lot of their dialogue just them complimenting eachother a bunch. There are a couple of good sequences but I like how in the original there was more of a implied turbulence to their relationship, and the parts where they bond feel a little more earned in the original in my opinion. Some of the funny lines are here but they feel more forced as well. The dialogue often feels MCU esque whereas the original I felt had more sincerety. I really like the merchant here, and there are a couple of new lines I'll probably remember like I have with the original. But he feels a bit overdone, he's always talking but it always ends up being a cycle of the same lines over and over again. The original struck a much better balance with that. I did mention the bosses are better, and Krauser I have no complaints about whatsoever, but some of them do feel over too quickly, maybe even more than the original. I haven't played on Hardcore so this might be a non issue. A small issue I have as well is that the villagers feel more spongey
This is often a good thing, but something I liked about the original is how dynamically they flail around when you shoot them. Here they feel a little more static, and I found headshot staggers more difficult to execute for better or worse. I also think the music is a tad less memorable but I like you can get the original soundtrack with deluxe.

As it stands I'm kind of leaning towards this being better even with the issues. But I highly recommend playing the original first. A lot of the fun things remake does is throw curveballs to longtime players. And there are things worth experiencing in the original. I really hope Capcom doesn't pretend the original doesn't exist like they have with 1, 2 and 3. But you can still get the original on PC with the HD Project as the definitive experience. It's just nice to see the remake of 4 be as peak as the original was if not better, and I'll be playing this for a long time.

So I played this game when it came out on PC through the collection, so I haven't really played it since. That being said, I'm sorry, but I dislike this game very much.

People really gas this game up as one of the big ones and I'm just not really sure why. I mean opinions are all valid of course, I really wish I can feel the same way, but I just don't see it. This game at its worst is just awful. At its best its just kind of mid. A ton of the level design is just awful and boring. It's either you go through the same rooms over and over again, or you go into the same rooms over and over again and it's a big tower or something. The open field maps are the most memorable but even those are just so large and you move so slow and it's so annoying to navigate.

There are some sections in this game that make no sense to me, I'm not really sure how you are supposed to play this I think. Like I get the sense you are supposed to feel like robocop, where you shake off a lot of damage and calmly execute fights. I like that aspect of the game, but it has this health system where you rarely ever get it back and I often just get stuck in situations where I die over and over again. And sure, there's some moments like that in Half-Life 2, or Serious Sam First Encounter, but I find those games have a much stronger hook for its design. I just got kind of annoyed here, especially when every single level is like overly long and I just wanted it to be over. It also doesn't help that my favorite fps game is Quake, which I think is probably the polar opposite in terms of fps design.

The story doesn't really do much for me. I like Master Chief and Cortana, but it ends up just setting up a lot of questions and not giving me satisfying answers. It has poor pacing, and it's kind of this big Sci fi game but it's a little too simple. I hear the sequels address this, and for what it's worth, Reach's story was alright. I'd say my favorite aspect of this game was the music. It really does hard carry a lot of its moments. And some of the guns feel really good to shoot and are undeniably iconic. The enemies are memorable too and have distinctive grunts and silhouettes which make them stand out in a hectic fight. Other than that though, this game just isn't for me, I apologize.