One of the better official Metroid games in a long time. I have some issues with it that are left over from Samus Returns. I still feel it needs some more work. But it is a big improvement. I think this might be like my least favorite of the best of the series if you know what I mean. I do feel games like Super, Dread, Prime Trilogy, Metroid 2 have more of an identity and intent to them. Whereas this has a lot of fun ideas but the execution is hit or miss.

This is one I often say is my favorite game of all time. The game is really rough around the edges, it has a pretty steep learning curve at first and it doesnt hold your hand in that regard. But once you get passed that slump its incredibly fun. For an NES game im so surprised of the amount of depth the mechanics have. The swinging feels so fleshed out. I feel like im always changing the way I approach the level design. That is another aspect I love. The levels are so great, they fit the swinging so well, and they never feel too samey. The music is amazing as well. This one just kind of hits for me, and I wish it caught on more.


This game rules. My favorite FPS. The movement. The level design. The amazing music. The enemy design. Its all so good. Whenever I return to this I dont want to stop playing it. My only problem is that the final episode is a bit rough. I dont like the blob enemies, and the final boss is really strange. But as big as that complaint seems, its so small compared to how much fun I have with it.

This game means so much to me as a fan. I became one in 2011. So I pretty much got into it during the time where the series was dormant and DmC happened. I never thought we'd get a game this good. Its the 5th game ive always wanted. Its just a perfect storm of great combat, great story beats and well paced levels. Ive played this so much and got so much better at the combat. And I feel very personally connected to this. I wish I can play this for the first time again.

I played this when I was 18. Just when I was starting to become independent. First job, first car, first phone. Just when I thought my tastes in games were set, this game came in and redefined how I understood games. It has a huge place in my heart and I always look back at my initial experience with it so fondly. I could analyze it, but why should I? It's Undertale, you know it's great.

The perfect 2D platformer. The greatest soundtrack ever created. Amazing level design. I love how this game accomedates both a fast paced rythmic play and one where you explore for collectibles. It still feels like the most honed in rareware game. I love everything about it.

My favorite metroid game. One of those games that really influenced my tastes in games. I just always have such a relaxing time with it. Its the ultimate gsme where I unwind and just get immersed in its world. Its so beautifully done. I know there are things that are weird about it that plenty of people have complained about that the sequels do better, but I have played it so much that these are non issues to me. It still has my favorite level design in the series. I love the music as well. Just a great time all around.

This is probably my go to fighting game for casual fun times. Its hard to get really frustrated or sweaty with this. It has the perfect balance of very easy to pick up mechanics but it has a proper skill cieling to where it isnt just mindless. Everything about it is classic to me. And I still pop this one in every now and then for a great time

One of the few games I consider perfection. Its sonic teams masterpiece. It absolutely slaps on all fronts. Its such a joyous experience with a simple gameplay loop that has a HIGH skill cieling. That feeling you get when you top your score is just the best ever. And its backed by an incredible art direction and amazing dynamic music. Play the saturn version if you can. The PC version is fine, but it doesnt control or look nearly as good.

I havent played this in a long time. But it had a real big effect on me as a child. I love this games setting. This industrial nightmare of a city. Its a great place and a great reason for the protagonist to either want to liberate it or want to destroy and rule over it. The morality system isnt great. But out of the three games, its the one that makes the most sense. And there are some good choices here and there that makes sense for the characters growth. I love the story for this game. It has one of my favorite villains in a game. The gameplay is really solid as well. I wish there was a more modern port of it so that it can run better, but either way its still a great time.

Sonic teams other best game. I used to not really like this one compared to the others. But the more you play it the better it gets. Every level in the game (besides maybe sandopolis) has so much to offer, and the mechanics are so good that you get into a flow state. Sonic games click a lot more when you get to grips with them and have that satisfying feeling of owning the levels. Its awesome!

One of my favoritr kirby games. I have beaten the main story but im slowly working on the extra stuff. Its one of those where it doesnt seem all that great at first but then it just gets better and better as it goes on. Even though its the first game that has this 3D style, it feels like theyve been doing it for years with out considered it is. And this games climax is just AWESOME. Like wow.

I am gonna get back into this eventually. But this is definitely one of the better pokemkn games ive played in a long time. The gameplay loop is just so fun, especially if you really like the idea of catching pokemon. It reinvigorated that childlike feeling for me in a new way, and thats the highest praise I can give it.

Love this game. Its a really great platforming romp with really well done mechanics. Great level design, and a story thats surprisingly bittersweet. I think the game is a little too easy, and the short length doesnt really help in that regard. But its fun all the way through, and I can see myself going back to it.

I think this game is quite masterful. The way it builds on the first game is tremendous. Its longer, it has more levels with an excellent skill curve. The story is layered and well thought out. It has characters I actually really loved in it, and the way they grow throughout the narrative is great stuff. The soundtrack is just emaculate. Every level has a layered score that changes throughout the levels, making the game feel breathtakingly cinematic. The game is actually challenging in areas, but it never gets overbearing. It teaches you mechanics throughout the game and really tests you. It has a great mix of brain testers and high octane platforming. The game is never boring. Even though the levels can be quite long they never overstay their welcome and stop being fun. I think possibly my only complaint is that there is some level reuse especially towards the end, but they always feel really different. More like an act 2 as opposed to just the same thing. I really really love this game and im very happy I finally got to play it.