I sucked at this game and only liked seeing my character eat shit and possibly paralyzing himself from falling.

Tetris acid trips never felt so good.

...I think I'm going through a withdrawal.

I didn't know running over people with a literal tank still abides by a "no killing" rule.

Trashy Waifu Fighter 2018. Good enough for me!

Cameron, if you're reading this, I still love this game.

When are we actually getting a Superman game?

Still don't know why I have this version on DS when the console versions would have been better.

Why do I still have this game?

I like it. But I'm not sure what I'm doing. It's Titanfall on a budget I think?

I log on when there's a new Lyn/Dorothea alt and grind my ass off until I get her. Then I log off and never play it again. Rinse and repeat.

The better Battlefront II. Fuck EA.

I'll probably like this more when Rockstar stops being lazy.

"Castlevania 3 but better designed" - My friend.


I'm sad that Aphrodite isn't real because I think I need a goddess like her in my life to tell me everything is going to be okay.

Also the game is pretty good I guess

"Cover mechanic, huh?"
Why didn't this game get a sequel :(