Don't care what anyone says, driving around with the boys is pure bliss.

Kyoko is really hot but so is Byakuya, this is a struggle

I pulled two all nighters playing this

It's very great but portable has Kotone and better gameplay so I don't think I could ever replay this instead of portable again

Well that was certainly ballsy. I live for Maki though.

Now that I've completed all mainline persona games, I can finally say they're all perfect

I could list many flaws but it is fan service to the max which is all I could ever dream for

It improves a lot and makes everything else weaker. Still fun though


Played over 10 hours so far, this is everything I've ever wanted

Fantastic trilogy, third game was a little weaker but I'm surprised I let myself go without playing these for so long. Chloe is hot.

I'm not sure why I see so much negativity about this online, this game is great. Looks absolutely stunning, the combat is well refined and the story while not quite as good as the first was still very enjoyable

I think this game has the best ending of all time

This one's really good, actually. I like dad kiryu

This has been my worst purchase decision, what the fuck Platinum