God damnit, GOTY. Uchikoshi has stolen my heart once again.

Solid game, good cast and story although the pacing at times is terrible. Combat is fun but one of the styles is clearly superior. New minigames are mostly fun but mechanics like mortal wounds only serve to make the game less enjoyable

AAA sports game release finished challenge

I was surprised with this one. Its really entertaining and better than Until Dawn in some parts. I hope their future games are a bit more innovative but honestly I dont even mind

Fun to revisit, but its not like the original game was great to begin with. Sometimes the graphic changes look good, other times not so much. Don't play the switch version lol

Incredibly displeasing. One of the bigger fails of this year

I have not been this disappointed since the last time I was this disappointed.

It's been a while since a game has captivated me so much I just dropped everything to complete it and played only it for multiple days in a row. What a great end to the Cold Steel series

Well, this was kind of disappointing. Tina is a great character and turning a small DLC into a full game surprisingly worked pretty well with fun ties to tabletop rpgs, but as a whole its just pretty lackluster. Outside of the aforementioned Tina, the villain and a few others, there aren't many interesting characters. The gameplay seems a bit of a step back from Borderlands 3, there's spells and class matching which is fun but the shooting itself feels kind off and the weapons honestly arent great. Plus, some of the side missions drag on and on and with basically no background music things can get dull very quickly

We had a fun time playing this together, but it was a little disappointing. Its a sweet, love letter to star wars but the actual lego levels themselves were pretty weak.

Still a good time overall, visually striking but ultimately disappointing in most other aspects

Really special game, brimming with charm and humor. Knew I would love it to begin with but I was really surprised with just how lovely of a time it was.

Pretty light on the content. Probably deserves closer to a 3/5 but we had a good time playing this together


My fiance wanted to play this with me once we were made aware of the same sex couples update. This was coming from a girl whos gaming experience so far has been Minecraft, a little bit of Mario Kart and whatever is on her phone so of course I was happy to oblige. The gameplay isn't really anything amazing, but the way it handles relationships was really heartfelt and the whole journey was really well done and emotional. Playing this game together has got her excited and wanting to get more into gaming, which has helped us get a lot closer too. This was a really special experience, highly recommend you play it with your SO.

Can't think of a single flaw with this