A really nice conclusion to Kiryu's saga. Same old Yakuza problems but it was wholesome (and sad but mostly the other part) Time to replay Like A Dragon lol

Really fun time, love the neon noir aesthetic. Story was really well told too

A really good time in co-op. Handsome Jack is a fun villain and the dlc was good too. Maya is hot

One look at my profile and you can tell im usually pretty lenient with ratings, and I genuinely can enjoy lots of different games and try to focus on the good rather than the bad. Yakuza 4 uniquely, I cannot. I thought some of the recent reviews here might be a little exaggerated but honestly they might of undersold how poor this game is compared to the rest of the franchise (i havent played 5, 6 or the spinoffs) The new characters are all intriguing but thats kinda the most I can say about it. You dont get enough time to know them, you just sit through contrived and nonsensical plot points strung together by stumbling through a now worn out open world complete with annoying (not difficult, I played on hard and only died a handful of times) and just unfun combat. Anyways I just needed to rant lol. If i talk more about this my head will probably explode. i dont even like writing reviews more than two sentences this is was just that unenjoyable

Way better than I imagined it would be. The writing is a bit lackluster at times and the voice acting is amateur but its honestly fantastic otherwise

Final Fantasy proves yet again that its at its best when its just about bros being bros

This has been my worst purchase decision, what the fuck Platinum

This one's really good, actually. I like dad kiryu

I think this game has the best ending of all time

I'm not sure why I see so much negativity about this online, this game is great. Looks absolutely stunning, the combat is well refined and the story while not quite as good as the first was still very enjoyable

Fantastic trilogy, third game was a little weaker but I'm surprised I let myself go without playing these for so long. Chloe is hot.

Played over 10 hours so far, this is everything I've ever wanted


It improves a lot and makes everything else weaker. Still fun though

I could list many flaws but it is fan service to the max which is all I could ever dream for