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Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Apr 29


Apr 24

Pikmin 2
Pikmin 2

Apr 23

Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight

Apr 20


Apr 10

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Hollow Knight is great. Amazing even.
With a (very) similar story and approach as Dark Souls, Hollow Knight has a rich world with lore to uncover. Standalone the story is fine, at best. But the gameplay and sheer scale of the world with its different biomes and areas make for a suprisingly large epic.
The mechanics all work perfectly together, unfortunately Hollow Knight does not contain any unique gameplay elements compared to metroidvania's and games that came before. But somewhat makes up for it with absolutely beautiful art. Where Hollow Knight falters a bit are weird design choices. The lack of boss health bars (no feeling of progression in boss fights, resulting in a frustrating feeling, a first for me regarding hard boss fights) and other smaller ones, like the blocking of paths in infected crossroads, weird platform placements and the double damage some bosses do with even less of a charge up, making it feel kinda unfair and ruining the mask shard collecting. (You now need 8 mask shards to tank a hit). Resulting in you artificially having the exact same amount of health in the beginning as end of the game. Even though you put countless hours in mask collecting.
In the end an amazing game and massive achievement for a studio of 3 people. But the lack of innovation regarding gameplay and some baffling design choices make it not as perfect as Id liked to see.

Creative, unique, charming and an amazing interactive soundtrack. Some of the puzzles and navigation get a little annoying, but its all worth it in the end. With an abstract story (Arguably about cancer). Great fun for a few hours.

Quickly loses most of its magic after playing any other Persona or SMT game. Feels absolutely amazing as your first SMT game. Then you play the rest of the franchise and it becomes imminent most people only played Persona 5.
The combat is a lot of fun (a smt staple). And I dont think we need to talk about its style, because come on. OST is great, but a little overrated imo. It fits the style greatly, but it might be some of the most generic and simple acid jazz I've ever heard. Even compared to Shoji's other works.
Game begins with its best arc and really quickly drops in story quality.
Still fun, but might be one of the weakest games in the franchise.