23 reviews liked by Dongledood



There ain’t no point to the game bra, all you do is walk around jumping on shit 😭

Bro released the game a second time 😭😭😭 still ain’t no point to the game, all you do is jump on shit 😭😭😭

WHAT THE FUCK MICROSOFT?? Actually fuck microsoft for that

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out



you could've added Doomguy to Smash but nooooo we needed Min Min

"Damn I wish they still made rough janky action games that got critically eviscerated like the PS2 days. No no not like that it's too rough and janky, and look at those reviews it's being critically eviscerated"

some dude who's favorite game is a JRPG with a 20 minute skit about accidentally groping a girl: "the writing is pretty cringe"

Ten chances to add Geno and all ten of them wasted on lame ass anime characters

Okay, this confirms I’m not crazy. Star Allies really is just bad.

Disgusting example of false advertising. Why is it called “Gay World” when to me, it’s just a Normal World?