The Decomp is Great :) the game though:

The first zone is sadly the best zone, with the rest leaning from ok :) to meh, to ''I want to fucking die'', you can really tell that Sonic was an experiment with this first game, with the games concept not being realized until it's sequel. Still a classic, but man if the rest of the game was like the first zone..

Good VN, think this might've be the first VN I actually ever read like, when I was 14? have a nice cozy nostalgia from it :) I want Dana to beat me to a pulp

I supported this game on patreon for awhile :) I'm DonoKuno in the credits! (Weenie Customer: DonoKuno).

My GOTY, the artstyle & animations are full of character and charm, the OST is just banger after banger, gameplay is extremely tight, and I can't wait to see people speedrun/P Rank it. Loved seeing this game change over the years, and I cannot stress enough that if you ever liked a classic Sonic game, or really love games that rank you with a high skill ceiling, that you NEED to pick this game up.

Great game with a great atmosphere for a Mario game, can't say much other than that


I liked what it tried to do, despite feeling that the Headspace parts felt too separated from everything else despite them being an escape for Sunny. Might replay it to get the headspace ending just out of plain curiosity.

My first Mario game I ever played, I have intense nostalgia for it but it is nowhere near perfect, still love it though


okay it's fine just have a lot of nostalga for it :)


This game is just fun, if not a little repetitive, but I love it narratively so far and how that feeds into the gameloop, have not finished it yet

It's Umineko, nothing I can say can really take away how much of a trip this VN is and how well written it's large cast of characters are, and was probably one of the most beautifully put together stories or piece of fiction in general i've ever read.

I never thought I needed to understand what magic was, how does a piece of media just reconstruct the idea of magic so beautifully in a mystery novel of all things while being a love letter to said genre? to say it's changed my perspective on a lot of things is an understatement.

This story will stay with me for a long time, 200+ hours well spent.

Rest, rest in piece in the illusion that you created,

Rest well my beloved witch, Beatrice.

5 - 6 are probably my favorite episodes of Umi, mostly bc of a specific intellectual rapist.

It's Umineko, nothing I can say can really take away how much of a trip this VN is and how well written it's large cast of characters are, and was probably one of the most beautifully put together stories or piece of fiction in general i've ever read.

I never thought I needed to understand what magic was, how does a piece of media just reconstruct the idea of magic so beautifully in a mystery novel of all things while being a love letter to said genre? to say it's changed my perspective on a lot of things is an understatement.

This story will stay with me for a long time, 200+ hours well spent.

Rest, rest in piece in the illusion that you created,

Rest well my beloved witch, Beatrice.


Man I love unreliable narrators - the VN

Seriously though, adore Higu, I might be more fond of Umi but all the characters here are great (I love them) and it's theme about being there for the people you love, sifting past miscommunication and misunderstandings, just to be there for them, regardless of anything, is honestly a really beautiful message that gets me choked up thinking about it. I definitely also want to reread it at some point too

Look I adore WTC, Higurashi is a classic, Umineko is peak fiction, where the fuck is Cioncia Phase 2, etc

But god the charm of this VN wins me over bad, all of the characters are fun or interesting in their own little ways, the alt history bent of the story is fascinating, with tons of twists and turns, and a weird clicking mini-game to emulate fighting to boot. I felt the ending should have been a little stronger? though it does wrap itself up nicely at least if not tragically. I might edit this review later as it's been literal years since I read it, but I remember it being a really good time.


A really well done beginning to a hopefully great entry into WTC, I can't wait for more :)

A series of short stories of varying quality, some are pure kino, others are.. ok to kinda fucked up honestly, I enjoyed it but not in the same way with R07's other work.