Fantastic metroidbrania puzzler. Reminds me of Tunic or Outer Wilds in the way that that game just sets you loose to figure things out on your own. I really enjoyed it and I'm continuing to play it looking for secrets.

I haven't played too many metroidvania games but I loved this one. It has inspired me to try some others.

The polish and charm of Nintendo games is unmatched.

Replaying for the 4th time, I think. Still a phenomenal game. One of the best boomer shooters out there. Very fun and cinematic story too.

Puzzle action game in the vain of Superhot or Hotline Miami. Very short, but very fun. The levels get pretty challenging towards the end.

Still one of the best strategy/management games out there. This is one of my comfort games.

Very cool game overall. I had some of the same frustrations I've had with every Metroid-vania I've played. Lots of backtracking and repetitive combat. Cool bossfights though.

4/24 Still so much fun. It does lose a bit of the novelty, but I think this game has real legs if it continues to be updated.

I don't play a lot of rogue likes but this one works for me. I still do get a little bored of the repetitive nature, but it's so satisfying to pull victory from the jaws of defeat in this game.

4/24 I wasn't really feeling this one. I think this type of 3d platformer might not be for me. I would like to come back to it again though.

4/24 Still slowly working through this one. Such a fantastic, creative, and challenging game. I play it like once every other month, solve 2 puzzles, and then put it down because my brain hurts.

4/24 An incredible simulation game. 50 hours in and I feel I've barely scratched the surface. I think I will continue spending time with this game for many years.

Pretty fun rogue like game. It gets repetitive, but the music is so good.

Very fun co-op action game. A bit rough in certain areas - balance is pretty bad, lots of bugs (pun inevitable) but still worth the time and money. I hope they continue to improve and add to it.

Only played the first few hours. Just not my jam. Basically a single player MMO. I'm sure the story and characters are interesting, but I'm not going to stick with it to find out.

Started a second playthrough, but I don't plan on continuing with it. I love the game, but it's a huge game, and the exploration really doesn't hit on a second playthrough. I'm still looking forward to the DLC though.