66 Reviews liked by Dragoture

This was an experience. Adding this game to my backlog was purely for nostalgic reasons, I remember playing this on the GameCube as a young kid (mind you I didn't get very far then) and having a fun time, but now? Not so much. I found myself just constantly mashing the square button just firing away at an obscene amount of enemies in most levels, I know there are other gadgets but most of those require you to stand still or properly aim while enemies are constantly pushing you so I just preferred to jet pack/jump around while mashing square. It's an early 2000's game so I can't really bash it's outdated controls and graphics, but they are there nonetheless (A remaster would do this game wonders though)

Now it's not all bad as we have Temuera Morrison back to voice Jango Fett (which honestly was a surprise as usually an actor doesn't come in and voice the video game counterpart). I also really liked the side characters in this one (Roz especially) and also freaking Clancy Brown is in this as well. The settings the game took us were enjoyable, some classics and others that I wasn't familiar with, always nice to see another part of Star Wars.

Nostalgia aside, I had a decent time with this but found myself after chapter 3 just mindlessly shooting everything in sight hoping the end of the game was near, also the snipers in this game were cracked (I mean we're talking Halo 2 Jackal levels here).

Star Wars Ranking

It's jank but it's a pretty fun mindless action game. I think it's held up pretty well, would've been even better if they had the correct sound for Jango's Westar blasters from the movie though.

Just as good as the base game + combining enemy types to make combat more interesting and giving an already cool protagonist the ability to come to terms with their trauma.

Good DLC. The best parts were the exploration of Jin’s past and how he moves on from his father legacy. I really want a sequel to this game.

its like. more ghost of tsushima. i mean, yeah, cool??

It's more of Ghost of Tsushima! I enjoyed exploring Jin's past. The new enemy types were fun but got annoying at times.

It took a bit to get into as I hadn't played the base game since 2021 and had to relearn the combat, and even then I don't think I remastered everything...

Fantastic, indispensable expansion, with more of the main game's open world gameplay loop, added a little variance.

Just short of perfect because it should've been more integraded into the main game; also, the story of what Jin's clan did on the island should have been referenced on the main campaingn.
In general, the expansion explores some of the protagonist's character facets, with him reflecting on his past and legacy, adding to his internal arc on the main plot.

If you liked the main game, this one is good too.
Played it in a continuous journey between one of the final chapter transitions of the main story.

They're not beating the FF14 allegations with this DLC

I just want to say this is one of my favourite fights, easily top 3 next to Bahamut & Titan. From the music to the overall chaos of this fight im glad I played it on 'Final Fantasy' Difficulty.

For me being a raider on FF14, experiencing both the omega raid & the omega ultimate. This was the icing on the cake for omega overall and how CB3 handles this monster. I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it to be a great DLC for just £8, some may say others but for the 3 hours playing through the door bosses coming up to Omega itself it was a wonderful amount of fun.

For those expecting any extra amounts of new story elements there is not much to see in this expansion. They advertised it to be the shorter half out of the two, 'Rising tide' will be the expected longer expansion, This very much is an expansion to bring you back to the game and remind you about the great people who were behind this game and how well they construct fights.

Soken thank you for your work on the music.

An awesome reminder to why FF16 is my game of the year right before the year ends


Nice little DLC cant wait for rising tide.

The story itself was fun. but if you want to get a lot of the content then you are stuck grinding for days

Indigo Disk has an enjoyable plot, even if there's nothing particularly special about it. The Terarium is an interesting place to explore, and I enjoy a lot of the things they've tried here like the Blueberry Elite 4, the vast majority of the DLC being double battles, and a few battles that were on the tougher side such as the final battle.

However, despite these pros, there are so many incredible disappointments. Past generation starters are locked behind spending an exorbitant amount of BP. Gaining BP is unbelievably tedious, gated behind quests that generally give 20-40 BP at a time. In fact, BP is tied into a lot of systems - donating to clubs, inviting people from Paldea, upgrading biomes, finding returning legendaries... There's so much to it, and yet actually gaining BP feels incredibly unfun. Performance is still pretty rough, though I had a better experience than Kitakami. My game crashed twice.

To be frank, this DLC has retroactively lowered my opinion on Pokemon Violet as a whole. This is the first mainline game in decades to not have a battle facility which really lowers singleplayer content - even SwSh had one, despite it being a pretty bad one. There was nothing akin to Dynamax Adventures added in this DLC, so no new interesting way to play the game. The DLC as a whole was pretty underwhelming, and I'm ultimately really just... Disappointed, I guess. I enjoyed the base game so much it kind of sucks to have the DLC not really expand on SV in the way I heard SwSh's DLC expanded on it.

Fine continuation of the DLC story that isn't as neatly made as the first part but enriches the overall game quite nicely.
+ more long-term content with grindable missions and an even larger pool of new Pokémon
+ refreshingly challenging double matchups as default
+ natural conclusion to the previously unfinished narrative
- uninvolved legendary that comes out of nowhere at the end
- less appealing main map