Really good, playing oblivion after skyrim feels very weird gameplay wise, it aged a lot but it had more options for mages.

Good world and guild quests are more interesting than skyrim for the most part.

Max payne but your gameplay gets interrupted every 2min by a cutscene, with worse fluidity than old games and with dogshit effects added everywhere on top.

Beyond me how they managed to make a mind-numbingly boring game out of Lord of the rings.

Swinging was fun for about 45min and that was the only good thing about this game.

Eh it's decent, lost a lot of steam halfway through and the combat lost a bit of charm once i realized it was a press X stance when you see X enemy type. Enemy types were also few.

Game looks good and the scenery for samurai duels were noteworthy.

Stealth didn't reinvent the wheel and AI is on the bad side.

After the end i felt like this game was kind of a missed opportunity and could have been way better.


Could tell the game was good but the gameplay wasn't for me.

Bosses are kinda bad but the level design is better than the new trilogy since you actually have to watch where you go and time both climbing and jumping.

Combat is easy but satisfying and vehicle stages are fun.
Levels are all interesting and Lara is less boring than in new games too.

Overall pretty good.

Boring characters, annoying maps, combat didn't feel good.
Lot of tomb raider climbing and puzzles that both made the game a chore to play.

Resident evil camera combined with a Nioh playstyle, had a surprisingly fun gameplay.

Combat was satisfying with the 3 magic attacks and bosses were well done.

Overall it was really good even if it was a bit short.

Liked the story of the game but something about the gameplay made the game feel like a chore towards the ends.

More faction oriented than the first game and maybe a bit less interesting of a story than 2033, got the "bad ending" but they both made sense tbh.

The karma system was still annoying honestly. Combat still felt wonky but metro is more of an atmosphere type game so it's fine and the post apo vibe is still very good.

It's a good sequel to 2033.

Cool b movie vibe, bosses were mostly ok even if i kinda disliked the bird, mundus was a good boss tho.

Surprisingly short but it wasn't a bad thing, platforming parts felt a bit awkward to do.

Combat was ok but it's the first one so it's understandable.

Overall it was enjoyable.

Good rpg mechanics, classic star wars planets with alien variety, both light and dark side could be chosen and felt different.

Dialogue was actually interesting in a lot of quest,
companions were mostly nice and made sense, the main story was really cool and the plot twist was surprising.

One of the best rpg honestly.

Played the original version, loved the puzzles, characters, music and atmosphere of the decors.
Story was really interesting and the humor was done just right.

Still had some ? moments like the goat where the mechanic of the puzzle was introduced weirdly, so i thought i was stuck missing an item or something because earlier puzzles all had the same mechanics. Happened rarely tho so it's whatever.

Based on all that it was a really good game overall.

Yeah it's not as good as RE1 for sure.
I did like the characters and the bravo team lore is nice to get especially for Rebecca, but the gameplay has some arguable decisions.

For starter eliminators are legit the worst enemy type in the franchise, they move quickly, they attack quickly and they can stunlock you to death if there are multiple of them.

Then there are leeches attacking you from half the halway, this wouldn't be bad if they were not in tight corridors 80% of the time.

The inventory system was also annoying but the item box mod is a good fix for it, kinda liked the character switching mechanic tho.

Puzzles, environments, horror vibe and music were really good, if enemies weren't that bad it would have been more fun.

Still ended up being a good game.