Hey let's make a rocket launcher guy and put it in every fucking fight, it for sure will be fun by the 12064th time don't worry.

Meh it's good but this game has glaring issues at difficulties 8-9 and in general :

-90% of weapons being straight up useless
-Most stats on items are hidden or don't work (armor)
-Endgame gameplay is mostly sneaking to the objectives(yes this is fun for like the first 2 hours then it gets quickly annoying)
-Mission variety really isn't a thing
-Mission modifiers make the game less fun overall
-Some ennemies are just not fun to play against and make the lack of weapon viability even worse (chargers, rocket launcher hulks, spewers and bile titans with their weird ass mouth hitbox)
-Most stratagems are garbage too, barrages are litteraly griefing
-Talking about griefing they dedicated a whole stratagem type to this: the sentries, at best they will kill 5 ennemies and get two shot later or will just be a team kill simulator ( props to ems for being decent i guess)
-Robots are way easier than bugs overall at max difficulty and i have no idea why they made bugs this cancerous at higher difficulties

But yeah the game is good could be better if they fixed all this shit tho.

Insane horror vibe, started with Jill and then did Chris, somehow i enjoyed the Chris one more. Jill as a first campaign feels like a tutorial for Chris in a way and is kinda frustrating.

Then you are completing the game for the second time and it becomes way more fun, the game flows better (even with less inventory slots) since all the mechanics click together and it ends up being really satisfying. Cameras didn't bother me at all since i'm used to tank controls and shooting felt intuitive.

No wonder it is a classic honestly.

Almost 2 months since release, no balance patches while some characters are literally broken and others complete dogshit.

Plugging doesn't give a loss in 2024( maybe they didn't add it since everyone crashes on the fallen destiny stage XD).

Forced upscaling because they can't optimize their game, then again this will become the norm so fuck it i guess.

They added a cash shop after waiting a bit post launch to dodge negative reviews :).

Having no option to deny wi-fi players, yeah i'd like to play them but a 5 star wi-fi player is either ok or a 2-3 bar wired so...

They made 1/3 of the ranks useless since u don't lose points, just make it start at warrior what is even the point.

The direction of the game went toward a spam fest compared to t7 and is just not that fun.

They somehow managed to hit every mark i have for a boring ass game, impressive.

The leveling really turned me off coupled with the fact that the combat kinda felt lackluster to me.

The gameplay is really satisfying and better than 1 at the cost of a worse setting, hard to top division 1 snowy vibe. Could have been better if the gear sets and skills weren't that boring.
Also 90% of cosmetics really don't look good on agents or don't fit well it's really annoying. Great pve loop otherwise.

Enjoyed the rpd but kinda disliked the rest, gunplay isn't that fun, mr x was ok i guess. Second campaign is just there to be there if we are being honest, they could have just put the sherry and claire differences in the main campaign.

I didn't do the original so i can't really compare, but i liked it overall.

The combat was good even if the difficulty was kinda lacking.
Story was interesting with some cringe dialogues here and there but i don't mind it, liked the characters. Music was good if not really good at some points.

Now the pacing was bad, like i know they wanted to add a lot of fillers/friendship moments and it works to build attachment , but holy fuck was it noticeably slow. Some chapters were genuinely taxing to go through with all the obstacles loading screens.
Liked motorcycle stages tho.

As usual final fantasy cutscenes are insane.

So yeah the game was good, if the pacing wasn't so bad i would have liked it better.

Enjoyed this game a lot honestly but they decided to kill it so whatever.

I liked a lot of things like the dungeons, the world, voiced quests and the customization.

But there is something about classes and combat in this game that just kills it for me, feels like there was no class identity in this game, every spell/attack felt kind of the same.
Also weaving just became annoying as the game went on ngl.

Loved the combat but having to redo campaigns on alts kinda ruined it for me ngl, also later raids just become kind of a chore, loved the early ones tho and dungeons.

I want to like the story and everything but i just can't get through it honestly.

Yeah it's not as good as RE1 for sure.
I did like the characters and the bravo team lore is nice to get especially for Rebecca, but the gameplay has some arguable decisions.

For starter eliminators are legit the worst enemy type in the franchise, they move quickly, they attack quickly and they can stunlock you to death if there are multiple of them.

Then there are leeches attacking you from half the halway, this wouldn't be bad if they were not in tight corridors 80% of the time.

The inventory system was also annoying but the item box mod is a good fix for it, kinda liked the character switching mechanic tho.

Puzzles, environments, horror vibe and music were really good, if enemies weren't that bad it would have been more fun.

Still ended up being a good game.

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Felt like the game was 4-5 hours too long for it's own good, coupled with the fact that the story was bad or borderline retarded. Like yeah Jonah hesitated to kill the guy that just tortured him. The characters were pretty much all bland.

After 5 hours the climbing became a chore really fast, even worse when they introduced arrow climbing which legit didn't need to be there and made the traversal slower because why not kill the pace of the game even more.

Puzzles were forgettable, so was the side content honestly, doubt i would have finished it if i kept doing secondary objectives.

The combat is ok i guess, still missed something to be satisfying.