Working backwards through From Soft's catalogue; it's really interesting to see the earlier versions of ideas iterated upon in later From Software games. Also just a solid dungeon crawler borrowing elements from other adventure games like The Legend of Zelda.

Excellent Fire Emblem if you're in it for gameplay. Yeah, killing your guys is antithetical to the characterization of Marth but it makes for some interesting emergent storytelling. As Kaga intended.

I like how the Colosseum spin offs force you to use Pokemon you maybe wouldn't consider otherwise. This one has better distribution of Pokemon and some post-story content that makes it feel ever so slightly more well rounded than the first Colosseum.

The biggest positive is that Pokemon Colosseum forces you to use Pokemon you wouldn't consider otherwise and this can lead to some interesting strategies and generally forces you to learn how to game Pokemon's systems (i.e. get good). The strange grimy atmosphere the game establishes is a great change from your typical Pokemon game. On the other hand, aside from following the story from point a to point b, there isn't a whole lot to do. It makes Pokemon Colosseum feel like a proof of concept for the subsequent Pokemon XD.

I wish this game was better, because it's not great, but I’d be lying if i said i didn’t have more fun with it than ultra moon

It’s the same as regular sun/moon until the last hour of story and supposedly there’s post game content but I’m sure as hell not gonna find out

This game is a one of a kind expression of some mad genius of game design but i don’t think I’d ever play it again

Best gameplay and maps in a fire emblem game in a long time

Incredible what they’ve done, completely refilling the map with new and interesting content, but some of the sublime novelty of open world zelda has worn off a little here.

Really unique for a jrpg, especially for the SNES era. The chapter system makes it easy to pick up and put down for busy folks. You can get an entire story in and be satisfied in a nice little hour sitting. I think it’s ahead of its time in this regard.

Been playing since launch somebody help there’s something wrong with me

Amazing gimmick. I wish more games utilized hardware as creatively as this.

Fine port. I don’t think the new content justifies buying this again if your ps2 still works, but I’m glad people without the proper hardware are able to experience this game regardless.

No overwrought metaphors, just the right amount of melodrama, and endearing characters. The vignette storytelling that Dragon Quest has refined over the series helps keep the story nice and snappy. Basically perfect for a jrpg.

I thought the new content would be worth the price of admission. It was. For me. I might be biased.