You get to pilot cute animals in a brutal fight for survival, managing their thirst, hunger, and even age. Taking a dynasty of pomeranians from crocodile food to kings of the jungle will never not be fun. Bizarre roguelite(?) from a bygone era of video games. There's no way Sony would have financed something like this today.

My runs almost always end in a game crash rather than death, but I have a strange fondness for this game that is causing me to rate it higher than I probably should. There's enough skill trees that you could probably find a few combinations that are actually meaningfully different and viable. And if nothing else, Dungeons of Dredmor has a charming sense of humor.

Class system is fun to mess around with; you can get some busted ability combinations. The last quarter of the game drags but the ending is worth it.

Fun until the post game, then enemies and traps begin to degrade all of your equipment and it's prohibitively expensive to repair it. The Fort defense boss fights are the best new feature.

Played this with a friend because they're a big fan of one of these characters. Don't have any attachment to any of the properties represented here, and the game doesn't do much to make itself unique from other fighting games. I can see having some fun with this game if you did have some connection, but otherwise it's probably not worth your time.

Arguably the best 3d sonic game? Things work as intended and the music is great.

Who am i kidding, we're all here for the Chao Garden.

I found this game in the garbage. True story.

I liked when Joel smashed that guy's face in with a brick.

Ok party game. Better than some other fighting games I can think of.

Played with a friend because they asked nicely. Not fun.

You control a cute little bunny-thing in a puzzle game that’s secretly about programming. I'm not smart enough for this game. It's absolutely brilliant though.

Meandering, repetitious dialogue Is still here dragging everything down, but at least you can mess around with the class system more easily now. Varied and interesting locations help spice things up as well. The way your save from the first game can carry over was very cool.

Very large amount of meandering, repetitious dialogue gets in the way of very good looking GBA game. Cool but pointless class system that you can't really fully utilize until the second game.

You would think when making a sequel you would iterate on good ideas and improve on the flaws present in the previous installments but this game doesn't do that