Cute puzzle platformer with nice art. It's got a hug button.

If you want to play Halo, this is how you would do it.

Not fun. The campaign is clearly not designed for multiplayer. But, hey, there's finally a sprint button in Halo.

As a Nintendo child growing up, my only frame of reference for FPS games was Metroid Prime. This Halo reminded me of Metroid Prime, and therefore it's my favorite.

I don't remember much about Halo 2. It added guns in both hands, I guess that's cool.

I don't remember much about Halo 3, but I know it was the Halo brought out at friends houses. Many fond memories.

Played through the series with some friends who wanted to revisit Halo in anticipation for Halo Infinite. I didn't grow up with these games, so my FPS intuition is nonexistent (I am bad at them), but it was fun experiencing such a historical game with them. The Flood levels were a bit of a slog.

Skyrim feels like a digital lobotomy

All the melee weapons feel like pool noodles and all the magic is different colored beams. All the junk you pick up is ultimately to sell, and for what? More pool noodles? A different flavor of magic beam?

I don't think this is a bad game exactly, it just makes me acutely aware that every breath I take is a countdown to my death.

Fun in a goofy, unintentional way. Kinda like The Room.

Why are all the NPCs so rude?

Amusing, bite-sized, Stanley Parable-like thing


Inserting the supernatural into historical fiction as the explanation for historical events is really funny. See also Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer

As for the gameplay, the ki meter is a great twist on the soulslike stamina bar. Counters and ki bar depletion finishers feel great.


Easier and more fun than QWOP, but this is probably also the reason it isn't as well-remembered.

Actually funny meta-commentary on video games and how we interact with them.


Many good memories of introducing this game to friends and taking turns trying to beat it. Legendary joke game. QWOP isn't only a great joke, however. At the time, QWOP was one of the few games besides the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and probably some others I’m not remembering, that confronted players directly with how they interact with video games. I think that's pretty notable. Or maybe I'm a pretentious jerk, who's to say?

The claymation-style graphics look wonderful, too bad you'll be looking down at the gamepad most of the time and not at the full resolution goodness.