walk forward keep attacking hope you win no real strats no real gameplay very meh

best of the series water lvls suck not because there bad there just really slow, motorbike lvls are.. at times unfair, plane lvls typical old school flying shooting games now it might sound like this game is bad but its still best in series alot of fun alot of good memories

apart from the bridge lvls which are rage inducing this is a great start to the series controls feel good game is mostly fair recommend to anyone and everyone

if you play this play it with friends playing it alone gets old real fast

its good kinda hard and at end theirs a choice you have to make if you pick wrong one you restart from lvl 1 which really sucks

not sure how its possible to get soft locked in this game but i did

the voice acting is the highlight of this game id play this just for that

A collection done by Naughty Dog is fun with huge open world great start to the series

first dbz game i ever played its harder than you think but i highly recommend

typical sly cooper game but the pirate section is really really good highly recommend

played it at the arcade never finished it but one of the best arcade racing games recommend to everyone

lots of cringe and meme moments but pretty fun good for a laugh

please Microsoft please give this game life again make it compete with lol, dota and smite this game is so good but activison blizzard royally fucked it

recruiting an army and takign over places and defendign them so much fun i never finished the game i just did that

good game to test your knowledge but if your dumb as bricks like me its not so good